From my experience, "You always have to use full throttle if you're under-gearing... which means the motor always has to be in high-revs range which generates heat once again." is correct. The correct gear ratio is very important. if overgear ratio, the motor need higher revs to keep the same speed. With loading condition, u will observe part of the communator become from gold color to red color....If undergear ratio, even u full throtlle, the car cannot run this siutation, high current but low revs...the motor will be very hot and low efficiency...harm to motor too...
"問得好... 玩車都要食腦, 千祈唔好人地講乜你就信乜..."
"咁我墊高車底、四輪離地、空轉黎試車咪好傷麼打?" It depends how long u do the test...but why u need to test your car with full throttle withoput loading condition....Its meaningless...anyway, if u just test it few seconds, its no harm.... |