我是超級新手, I just buy a Twin Detonator yesterday, 有好問題想問, pls help: 1) I have a remote KO PROPO EX-5, an old model that I used 15 yrs ago……. Can I use it for the Twin Detonator? 2) What is the difference between電變 同 機械變 ? is機械變 only have three speed ? 電變 save more electricity? 電變有無後波??? 3) How much for a 電變 for a car with one motor only?? 4) Twin Detonator is a電變 of APEX of about $4xx…., do you think it is a must to it?? 5) If you were me, will you buy 2 batteries of 3000 mAh…..(HK$180 each) or one 4200 mAh (HK$298) ? (at 創X) 6) A big difference between 黑豬 ($85) & 白豬? 7) I bought an APEX charge of about $230….. do you think it is enough ?? 8) Which shop sell parts or battery of lowest price in Mongkok? 9) I find that the 避震 of the Twin Detonator is made of 海綿軟管, but not by filling oil in, why? It is better ? 10) Thanks for your help to me….. !!! <IMG alt="<img" src="http://bbs.rc-evo.com/images/smilies/smile.gif" border=0 smilieid="1"> src="./images/smilies/smile.gif" border=0 smilieid="1">
歡迎加入 Twin Detonator 行列。 APEX 雙摩打電變,以這個價位來說,效果巳唔錯。 4200 mAh 的爆炸力比 3000 mAh 好好多(創X 亞Joe 話)。 避震最好用油壓(用 3孔 dimper piston,500 至 700度 油壓油)。 Parts 價錢間間差不多,不過 偉高 比較齊,而且有得定(一般4至6個星期就翻到貨,TD 市面上很少 parts)。
Here is my Green TD, what color you will use?
APEX 雙摩打電變,以這個價位來說,效果巳唔錯。
- are you using it? how much? where to buy??
避震最好用油壓(用 3孔 dimper piston,500 至 700度 油壓油)。
- how much??
Parts 價錢間間差不多,不過 偉高 比較齊過 偉高 比較齊.....
- is it in MK??
WELCOME ! Here is my Green TD, what color you will use?
- the original blue, with some 銀閃粉托底.....
Some ques:
1) I find that the 搖臂 (尤其是螺絲位) of twin detonator is not that 堅固, 有冇試過鬆脫???
2) 有無換motor?
3) use one pack or two pack for your twin detonator?
4) which brand of battery are you using??
5) APEX 隻 ESC 係咪唔可以配高速motor ?? 有冇spec.?
原帖由 bigben 於 2007-4-25 10:20 發表
APEX 雙摩打電變,以這個價位來說,效果巳唔錯。
- are you using it? how much? where to buy??
避震最好用油壓(用 3孔 dimper piston,500 至 700度 油壓油)。
- how much??
Parts 價錢間間差不多,不 ...
I am using the APEX duo motor esc ($480) run with 2 Tamiya BZ 23T motors, single battery. 2 batteries speed too fast, eacy to overturn. 1) It's normal. 4) GP 4100 mAh (~$280). I usually buy complete product at Cheong Sing.
I bought a APEX esc $480 at Cheong Sing. I plan to use the original motor and may upgrade later.... I plan to use two 3000mAh battery at first buy after seeking you advice, I may use one instead........
I install the APEX ESC and buy a new receiver for my old EX-5 controller....... however, i encounter the following problems:
<OL type=1>
<LI>when I steer my wheel to left side (左到尾), I find that the light of the ESC will turn on..... and the wheel will 向後窒下窒下........ but there is no problem when I turn to right side
<LI>when the car is moving forward, when I turn left, the car will stop!!
<LI>the servo has a small cc...cc...cc..... sound when i turn to left side (左到尾)
<UL></UL></LI></OL>what is the problem<IMG alt= src="http://bbs.rc-evo.com/images/smilies/mad.gif" border=0 smilieid="11">
Sazabi, 1)
<OL type=1>
<LI>"拆走7.2v電,接上接收電,可以試servo轉向有冇問題,如servo正常" ok, try try sin
<LI>my battery is new (use once b4) and 充滿的.
<LI>do you add 電容 to your motor??</LI></OL>
<P>I want to say more detail : when I turn the servo to maximun left, the servo will sound dizz...... and vibrate a little bit.... but to right maximum, the servo is stable. <IMG alt="" src="http://bbs.rc-evo.com/images/smilies/sad.gif" border=0 smilieid="2"> </P>