話說前幾日去KWS揾CC01 parts揾唔到,跟住係宏x度無啦啦買咗部DF03。問題發生了,冇合適麼打用。除跟車白豬外,附圖中嘅RX-540Vz己用在TT01 rally。個蓞Yokomo13T又好似太快,我手車唔好,應該drive唔掂。想用個蓞Dynatech來玩DF03,會唔會太快(太慢?)呢? 我的DF03. at this moment, is 原装車,冇改過。
跟車的白豬is very good~
this car use wp play at tko is so funny
if u want the speed between wp & 540vz u can buy RS 540ST(black pig) ($8X)
it will be give u so manymany fun
Bros. If I use a 14T motor, what gear ratio (or spur gear 78T ot 85T) should I use ?
The manual suggests using 78T spur gear for white skill pig. Should I use 85T spur gear for the 14T motor or still use the 78T?
Bros. If I use a 14T motor, what gear ratio (or spur gear 78T ot 85T) should I use ?
The manual suggests using 78T spur gear for white skill pig. Should I use 85T spur gear for the 14T motor or ...
Also noted that fromvr2xvh (Hayson)
"Don't use Tamiya 23T RZ with the smallest spur gear that comes with the kit, otherwise the batteries will be drained out quickly, depriving the reasonable time of enjoyment!!!
from bro. vr2xvh (Hayson)