原帖由 tatame 於 2008-4-17 03:07 PM 發表 登錄/註冊後可看大圖 師兄你係咪有topforce shell 賣??幾$?? 我都想買一個, 另外subpression ARM 應該同Twin dentonator 一樣, 有optional parts tim, 158600 158601 狗骨用DF03, 我想問下大家topforce o個塊炭化前後油壓 ...
原帖由 move7648 於 2008-5-8 22:26 發表 登錄/註冊後可看大圖 Bro Tatame 請問Twin Dentonator 套金屬A臂邊到搵到?? Many thanks!
原帖由 tatame 於 2008-5-9 11:05 AM 發表 登錄/註冊後可看大圖 金屬A臂在KWS 健X買, 不過Twin Dentonator A臂只有Hot-racing 出過所以價錢比較貴,因為而家你都係用DF03 DOGBONE + Twin Dentonator 原裝膠A臂, 其實可以 試試DF03 A臂用唔用到,選擇多d可能平d, BY THE ...
原帖由 move7648 於 2008-5-9 11:19 發表 登錄/註冊後可看大圖 I see! 但係又唔知啱唔啱用, 咁我咪又要買多套DF03 A臂? 一係就攞埋個波箱同轉向杯出去試... 唔知鋪頭肯唔肯拆開俾我試呢~~
原帖由 go2usie 於 2008-5-9 11:42 發表 登錄/註冊後可看大圖 move7648~ your can ask ask bro "ryancmlam" , since he has both twin Dentonator and DF03 and the top force.... he can answer all your questions~~ and, i think there are no stock for Top force bo ...
原帖由 go2usie 於 2008-5-9 11:42 AM 發表 登錄/註冊後可看大圖 move7648~ your can ask ask bro "ryancmlam" , since he has both twin Dentonator and DF03 and the top force.... he can answer all your questions~~ and, i think there are no stock for Top force bo ...
原帖由 move7648 於 2008-5-9 12:44 發表 登錄/註冊後可看大圖 Good idea so let's wait bro ryan reply here! still one hope, i found a body shell in yahoo japan, but horriable price at the end...
原帖由 ryancmlam 於 2008-5-10 11:21 PM 發表 登錄/註冊後可看大圖 I have checked the arms of Top Force, DF03 and TwinDetonator. I would say, they are not interchangable..
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