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Tamiya DT02 at TKO

ryancmlam 發表於 2007-8-23 23:11:29 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式


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Who had played DT02 at TKO ?

Could it run well  ? Interesting or not ?

[ 本帖最後由 ryancmlam 於 2007-8-23 23:27 編輯 ]
bigben 發表於 2007-8-23 23:19:32 | 只看該作者
2wd is also funny.....
J 發表於 2007-8-23 23:48:54 | 只看該作者
Try Try XXX-CR la.
li5115 發表於 2007-8-24 01:50:21 | 只看該作者
Edde 發表於 2007-8-24 02:00:16 | 只看該作者
原帖由 ryancmlam 於 2007-8-23 23:11 發表
Who had played DT02 at TKO ?

Could it run well  ? Interesting or not ?

砌緊部 B4 ...... 我都想知係 TKO 好無走呀 ?  
stig 發表於 2007-8-24 02:13:00 | 只看該作者
edde 又有新車 ........ 真開心^^
Edde 發表於 2007-8-24 03:06:33 | 只看該作者
原帖由 stig 於 2007-8-24 02:13 發表
edde 又有新車 ........ 真開心^^

士啤有多部車玩 .... 我唔想好似上次咁玩唔到 10 分鐘.
DriftNoobie 發表於 2007-8-24 03:25:59 | 只看該作者
嘩 Edde 哥, 你中毒極深下喎

舊果架係咩 buggy 黎?
Edde 發表於 2007-8-24 03:48:45 | 只看該作者
原帖由 DriftNoobie 於 2007-8-24 03:25 發表
嘩 Edde 哥, 你中毒極深下喎

舊果架係咩 buggy 黎?

乜太弄得一手好菜囉 ......

Bro. William, 你買咗未呀 ......

果架係 DF 03.
 樓主| ryancmlam 發表於 2007-8-24 08:30:54 | 只看該作者
原帖由 li5115 於 2007-8-24 01:50 發表

Buy a new car?

原帖由 J 於 2007-8-23 23:48 發表
Try Try XXX-CR la.

1. I just "think think" to buy a cheap but not so worst one.

2. XXX-CR is so expensive.
byron.C 發表於 2007-8-24 16:39:38 | 只看該作者
如果 2 號有 tko function.........
我帶架 dt-02去 try try
 樓主| ryancmlam 發表於 2007-8-24 16:47:28 | 只看該作者
thanks in advance
bigben 發表於 2007-8-24 18:14:11 | 只看該作者
df02 should be faster and lighter..... isn't it?
 樓主| ryancmlam 發表於 2007-8-24 18:27:26 | 只看該作者
df 02 or dt02 ?
 樓主| ryancmlam 發表於 2007-8-24 23:31:04 | 只看該作者
原帖由 Edde 於 2007-8-24 02:00 發表

砌緊部 B4 ...... 我都想知係 TKO 好無走呀 ?  

Edde Gor, "add oil". Take it to TKO.
sfdo 發表於 2007-8-24 23:34:33 | 只看該作者

回復 #14 ryancmlam 的帖子

dt02 (因我先前就係去過 KWS 問過 DF02好似己無,只有 DF03 同 DT02 o既價 來 )

但講開又講,如果 DF03 拆走中軸 及換合適前胎,夠唔夠 DT02 跑?

[ 本帖最後由 sfdo 於 2007-8-24 23:35 編輯 ]
 樓主| ryancmlam 發表於 2007-8-24 23:44:38 | 只看該作者

回復 #16 sfdo 的帖子

1. Bro bigen said "df02 should be faster and lighter..... isn't it?". I want to clarify what he means. Anyway, I think you can still fiind DF02 at KWS.

2. I think could not. The CG of DF03 is relatively "too front" when comparing with DT02.
li5115 發表於 2007-8-24 23:52:04 | 只看該作者
原帖由 ryancmlam 於 2007-8-24 23:44 發表
1. Bro bigen said "df02 should be faster and lighter..... isn't it?". I want to clarify what he means. Anyway, I think you can still fiind DF02 at KWS.

2. I think could not. The CG of DF03 is  ...

用同款摩打 直路 DT02 會比 DF03 快,但 DT D彎會好甩,彎前要 brake。
 樓主| ryancmlam 發表於 2007-8-24 23:54:54 | 只看該作者
原帖由 li5115 於 2007-8-24 23:52 發表

用同款摩打 直路 DT02 會比 DF03 快,但 DT D彎會好甩,彎前要 brake。

Bro Leo, you seemed mentioning the normal scenario.
But, he wanted to know the scenario of "如果 DF03 拆走中軸 及換合適前胎,夠唔夠 DT02 跑?"
li5115 發表於 2007-8-25 00:22:51 | 只看該作者
原帖由 ryancmlam 於 2007-8-24 23:54 發表

Bro Leo, you seemed mentioning the normal scenario.
But, he wanted to know the scenario of "如果 DF03 拆走中軸 及換合適前胎,夠唔夠 DT02 跑?"

If in same gear ratio, remove the centre shaft from DF03. DT02 still faster than the DF.
It is because, there is the friction of the front diff. If make the front wheel totally free.
I think DF will win, because of the mid-ship engine, the car will be more stable and balance.

[ 本帖最後由 li5115 於 2007-8-25 05:37 編輯 ]
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