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iCoke 發表於 2006-3-13 14:54:50 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式


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我now玩緊部mini777 我見人地飛jump係成部車飛起左係平落地 ~我果部就頭落地 大家都係飛果個台 何解呢?????攪到我都唔敢飛.....一陣飛飛下撞爆野都似要點set部車先好飛同落地好呢????????大車既話又係咪差唔多set法呢????
mark999hk 發表於 2006-3-13 14:59:30 | 只看該作者
so easy~~~

Front drop when jumping ------- 要 Dum 油
Rear drop when jumping ---------放油門或收 Break.
crunch 發表於 2006-3-13 15:29:02 | 只看該作者
When you apply throttle, the momentum will be shifted to the rear of the car, therefore, the car will land on its rear end.  

When you apply brake, the momentum shifts to the front, so the car will "頭落地".

You'll have to control the throttle of the car to make it "平落地".  The mini-Inferno is nose heavy, so try to play around with the throttle when you jump.
mikewu 發表於 2006-3-13 15:52:37 | 只看該作者
When you approach a jump, try not to push "gas" BEFORE the jumps, then as you go up the hill, push at full speed, this would help the momentum towards the rear and have the rear/middle of the car landed flat....  
What I do is, come to a jump, go half throttle, then hit full speed and land........  
In GP buggies, sometimes you need to adjust that while the buggy is in the air, you can see the buggy actually shift the position in the air!
hkopium 發表於 2006-3-13 15:59:43 | 只看該作者
原帖由 mikewu 於 2006-3-13 15:52 發表
When you approach a jump, try not to push "gas" BEFORE the jumps, then as you go up the hill, push at full speed, this would help the momentum towards the rear and have the rear/middle of ...

Bro MikeWu, but your method will lessen the jumping distance due to less speed when running up the ramp.

What I do is full speed all the way until the car is in mid-air, then control speed to adjust balance. But the control is much harder as the weight may lean too much toward the rear. (Mine is EP H8)
mikewu 發表於 2006-3-13 16:19:44 | 只看該作者
原帖由 hkopium 於 2006-3-13 15:59 發表

Bro MikeWu, but your method will lessen the jumping distance due to less speed when running up the ramp.

What I do is full speed all the way until the car is in mid-air, then control speed  ...

True....  but this is the method when I play in MMS since there are not much straightways....  and of course, my Mini Inferno is slow too....  
Hey, Opium, I can't go Wednesday as I'll be in China....    Sorry....
hkopium 發表於 2006-3-13 16:27:10 | 只看該作者
原帖由 mikewu 於 2006-3-13 16:19 發表

True....  but this is the method when I play in MMS since there are not much straightways....  and of course, my Mini Inferno is slow too....  
Hey, Opium, I can't go Wednesday as I'll be in ...

Oh... that's okay, I am still busy this week.

Call me when you have time lateron...

Wooo... PRC eh!? Have fun bro
mikewu 發表於 2006-3-13 16:30:58 | 只看該作者
原帖由 hkopium 於 2006-3-13 16:27 發表

Oh... that's okay, I am still busy this week.

Call me when you have time lateron...

Wooo... PRC eh!? Have fun bro

Hey man, notice I use this "" instead of "" then you understand how much fun I am going to have la.... sigh.........  
 樓主| iCoke 發表於 2006-3-13 17:24:15 | 只看該作者
我d英文好屎 明d唔明d 咁係咪姐係控制油門落地??????????
MacUser 發表於 2006-3-13 18:03:56 | 只看該作者
其實用油門來平衡, 在油車來說效果較明顯, 由動力比電車大得多, 還要睇下咩車, 如在空中用油門平衡, 是救車技巧, 下下空中Full雞及Brake, 動力損耗大, Full雞落地, 如限滑set得唔好就多多齒都唔夠掃. 不如先享車本身車重分佈及油壓落手.
首先你應留意部車用定速上Jump, 當頭輪離Jump一刻既變化, 平飛? 向上飛(高Jump)? 頭輪一離Jump即向地插? 在空中慢慢車頭向地? 還是單輛先落地?
 樓主| iCoke 發表於 2006-3-13 18:35:01 | 只看該作者
MacUser 發表於 2006-3-13 18:49:32 | 只看該作者
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