原帖由 henry888 於 2008-2-14 10:01 發表
我地個場係主要clockwise咁行, 右彎多過左彎, 咁正常係左邊d呔去得快d嫁啦
咁真正既race car(real car)如果有咁情況, 係咪會set到佢兩邊平均worn out呢?
但一架車既左右setting唔同, 會唔會影響佢其他方面呢(行直線 ...
It is not necessary to have left tire and right tire to worn evenly, but the inner tire wear and outter tire wear will not be that uneven. In racing, they will put free weight closer to front, rear, left, or right to help weight transfer and different toe and camber on each wheel depend on what type of turn it have like clockwise, counter-clockwise, more left turn, more right turn, more sharp turn or wide corner. But if left and right tire are worn the same way and front and rear is worn about the same percentage, then the car is quite balance for that track already. There is no perfect setting for all condition, better turning, then less 行直線.
[ 本帖最後由 ckwu 於 2008-2-15 16:41 編輯 ] |