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樓主: 倒錢落海
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新手 df03 歷程

 樓主| 倒錢落海 發表於 2008-4-2 22:15:49 | 只看該作者

尋晚果個剪得太衰 (徒手剪, 冇畫線). 今日又買多個. 正正經經係紙度畫好晒再貼上去剪. 四草野十分抵. last 一個俾我買埋了^^ 你要等下一輪佢地入貨.


另外係買埋前萬向. 唔拆唔知原來前狗骨杯都已經蝕到變形了. 唔怪得轉彎時震震下.


個 c 座都俾條狗骨發到塌塌地. 不過似乎唔影響運作, 只係樣衰左少少.


孖星好似冇出金屬 c 座. topcad, 3racing 同埋老展就有出. 請問如果係換, 邊隻會好的?
Evo5 發表於 2008-4-2 22:21:48 | 只看該作者
3  racing la
 樓主| 倒錢落海 發表於 2008-4-2 22:40:00 | 只看該作者
原帖由 Evo5 於 2008-4-2 22:21 發表
3  racing la

tux 發表於 2008-4-2 23:25:45 | 只看該作者
Where can I buy 3-racing parts for DF03? I am thinking about buying a DF-03 (DB-01 is good but I have 501X already so want to have another buggy with shaft drive chain) and want to get some 3racing options (Tamiya does not have enough options for this car).

 樓主| 倒錢落海 發表於 2008-4-2 23:41:43 | 只看該作者
原帖由 tux 於 2008-4-2 23:25 發表
Where can I buy 3-racing parts for DF03? I am thinking about buying a DF-03 (DB-01 is good but I have 501X already so want to have another buggy with shaft drive chain) and want to get some 3racing op ...

3racing 的野要逐間舖搵^^ 我之前果件碳纖骨架同埋尾珠差杯就係創升買...

其實玩玩下都幾多野要改. 自己冇炒車, 冇撞爛野, 但的 parts 自己頂唔順 / 磨損...=.=
tux 發表於 2008-4-3 01:01:11 | 只看該作者
原帖由 倒錢落海 於 2008-4-2 23:41 發表

3racing 的野要逐間舖搵^^ 我之前果件碳纖骨架同埋尾珠差杯就係創升買...

其實玩玩下都幾多野要改. 自己冇炒車, 冇撞爛野, 但的 parts 自己頂唔順 / 磨損...=.=

Yep. For non-TRF cars need to change many parts to make them durable. Original parts are pretty bad (typical way of making money by Tamiya).

Thanks for advice. Will wander around KWS for the parts needed (already composed a list)
 樓主| 倒錢落海 發表於 2008-4-3 02:41:14 | 只看該作者
原帖由 tux 於 2008-4-3 01:01 發表

Yep. For non-TRF cars need to change many parts to make them durable. Original parts are pretty bad (typical way of making money by Tamiya).

Thanks for advice. Will wander around KWS for the pa ...

其實尾珠差杯你可以唔用 3racing 果套. 你可以買返原廠孖星果套. 頭珠差杯係可以裝係尾珠差度既. 分別只係, 原廠設計, 頭珠差杯係全金屬, 尾珠差杯係膠 + 金屬, 你買多份頭珠差杯裝係尾度就可以了.
tux 發表於 2008-4-7 21:43:04 | 只看該作者
原帖由 倒錢落海 於 2008-4-3 02:41 發表

其實尾珠差杯你可以唔用 3racing 果套. 你可以買返原廠孖星果套. 頭珠差杯係可以裝係尾珠差度既. 分別只係, 原廠設計, 頭珠差杯係全金屬, 尾珠差杯係膠 + 金屬, 你買多份頭珠差杯裝係尾度就可以了.

Finally decided to get Lunch Box instead of DF03 - a lot cheaper
 樓主| 倒錢落海 發表於 2008-4-7 21:44:20 | 只看該作者
原帖由 tux 於 2008-4-7 21:43 發表

Finally decided to get Lunch Box instead of DF03 - a lot cheaper

tux 發表於 2008-4-7 21:54:23 | 只看該作者
原帖由 倒錢落海 於 2008-4-7 21:44 發表


Yep. Gold Edition + Bearings + 1 set (waiting for 2nd set to arrive later this week) of cvs shocks $670. Can be cheaper at another shop but decided to stick with the one I bought from.
 樓主| 倒錢落海 發表於 2008-4-7 22:01:35 | 只看該作者
原帖由 tux 於 2008-4-7 21:54 發表

Yep. Gold Edition + Bearings + 1 set (waiting for 2nd set to arrive later this week) of cvs shocks $670. Can be cheaper at another shop but decided to stick with the one I bought from.

但兩部車 (df03 & lb) 唔同 style / 唔同玩法喎^^

df03 拎黎沙灘暴走, 好正. lb 的人都係貪佢得意, 彈下彈下^^
tux 發表於 2008-4-7 22:33:33 | 只看該作者
原帖由 倒錢落海 於 2008-4-7 22:01 發表

但兩部車 (df03 & lb) 唔同 style / 唔同玩法喎^^

df03 拎黎沙灘暴走, 好正. lb 的人都係貪佢得意, 彈下彈下^^

Yep, I know. Good enough for me. Just want to have some fun. If i want to play at TKO I will "rough protect" my 501x and play there. But not for now
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