Mixed feelings.... I am glad that I can finally buy some brand new "MU" wheels for my MU project but on the other hand, I wish they actually reproduce the Brusier instead of making something new......
但用幾架唔同既車炒埋一碟當新車,咁DIY feel 就有d令人失望。
(最低限度出隻新殼or用 Hilux 殼丫)
膠chassis,axle and gear box 賣相及像真度就一定同 Bruiser 有段距離。
Anyway, I still waiting for it.
買e架 pick up 黎改裝應該都幾 funny,還可以約埋一班人一齊玩,幾開心。
(bruiser 就keep in collection and display, 而e架新車就落地玩,咁都幾好丫)
I think one of the things that people are forgetting is Tamiya didn't say it was a Bruiser or a 3-speed. It's us fans that are expecting it to be a "re-release" bruiser or a release of a "modern" bruiser. As anyone could see in Tamiya's description, they did not refer to the 3-speeds at all.
At least this will have a Multifunctional Control Unit for it! Can't wait!