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樓主: GTRTam
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KoPropo 2.4Ghz for Mini-Z 模組 日本入荷

nottoobad 發表於 2008-5-4 03:43:27 | 只看該作者
買死你 ...
→阿威← 發表於 2008-5-4 05:47:32 | 只看該作者
仲哥仔 發表於 2008-5-4 11:51:48 | 只看該作者

[ 本帖最後由 仲哥仔 於 2008-5-4 11:53 編輯 ]
 樓主| GTRTam 發表於 2008-5-5 02:50:17 | 只看該作者

今日車場初試呢支新EX1UR 2.4Ghz. 反應真係比原裝KT-18快, 比想像中更快. 用最快 Advance mode, 玩左2-3 pack 电先適應到. 個 ST 及 TH QuickR, 由其係好似你話摩打或电弱D嗰時, 將 TH Quick 加 50%, 即刻爆番哂好多, 好掂 ! 極力推介 !!

ST QuickR 就冇真正用過玩過, 但好似你講試過加到好大, 轉向就出現過敏, TH QuickR 較有用, 比較 TH curve 及 punch 更有用.
Aurora 發表於 2008-5-5 12:34:27 | 只看該作者
Hey, GTRTam.

I too have been using the Ex1 UR for a while, and kinda discussed these two features with drivers from US.
Some claimed that these features will only affect the result marginally, but personally I feel the result may vary based on the course.  For mid to small size track, I felt a high Quick Steering will make the car lose its perfect lines, since I can feel the wheels are 'turning' faster given the hands are moving at a more or less constant pace.  To prevent losing that ability, I only kept mine at 10-20% max, or most of the time I find myself good without it.

The Quick throttle is a different story, but again, you could feel some significant difference if it is turned high, and losing the finesse of throttle management.  This will become a lot more apparent if you are drifting the car.  But I do agree if it is introduced towards the end life of a battery set, it will give back some punch to the throttle.
 樓主| GTRTam 發表於 2008-5-5 13:59:12 | 只看該作者
Yes, you're right ! I was trying a pack of weak cells & had a good result by adding 50%. I don't wanna touch the steering QuickR coz' it's already fast enough for me in Advance mode.

Hey do you know if there's any trick to apply neutral brake on the TX ?
Aurora 發表於 2008-5-5 15:15:49 | 只看該作者
Hehe...I think that shouldn't be too difficult, but the result will much depend on your motor spec.  

If the magnet is really strong and of good quality (will not loss much magnetism even after heated up by running many laps), then naturally those motors will have a 'drag brake' effect regardless, and is easy to work with for achieving the 'neutral' brake.

Other motors with decent bearings but weak magnet(for example, the non-Neo magnets) will usually allow the car to keep sliding forward for longer time, which you probably know already.

Usually, my simplest way of doing a 'neutral brake' is to allow a mild trim backward, so the car will go into 'brake' at neutral.  
Another fancier way to doing it is when adjusting remote VR, the user set the 'neutral' at a more 'forward' position on purpose(so give a little throttle when setting the 'neutral' position for VR adjustment).  So after such adjustment, you will be in a pre-designated brake position when you release your throttle and the car will brake itself.

But one thing to bear in mind, this drag brake will be naturally applied each time, and thus creating more heat to the motor, since you are accelarating and braking more often than before.  And if you are using capacitor, I have tried a couple in the past, and found that PN large flat cap will give too much punch to the motor.  The car will have enough power to keep going forward, even long after you release the throttle.  Nowadays, I keep those cap off most of the time, unless I go onto a really large and wide track which the car can just go wild.  Hope this helps!

Please do feel free to share what you think.
仲哥仔 發表於 2008-5-5 15:28:36 | 只看該作者
Aurora 發表於 2008-5-5 15:34:06 | 只看該作者
henry888 發表於 2008-5-6 02:08:32 | 只看該作者
原帖由 Aurora 於 2008-5-5 12:34 發表
Hey, GTRTam.

I too have been using the Ex1 UR for a while, and kinda discussed these two features with drivers from US.
Some claimed that these features will only affect the result marginally, but ...

我都幾同意你講既野, 有時隻手指唔係隻隻彎都做到扭咁多, 扭既速度又保持到一樣, 但架車仔好敏感, 咁就難d做到次次都行番條線
henry888 發表於 2008-5-6 02:10:27 | 只看該作者
原帖由 GTRTam 於 2008-5-5 02:50 發表

今日車場初試呢支新EX1UR 2.4Ghz. 反應真係比原裝KT-18快, 比想像中更快. 用最快 Advance mode, 玩左2-3 pack 电先適應到. 個 ST 及 TH QuickR, 由其係好似你話摩打或电弱D嗰時 ...

 樓主| GTRTam 發表於 2008-5-6 03:23:13 | 只看該作者
我念係假設你手指按油門到盡時 100% 為極速, 較高 Hi Point  30 % 的話, 你按油門到 70% 就等如之前按盡, 相對你的手指由 0 - 100 距離縮短, 你會覺得加速快左, 有 D 似槓捍原理. 但你除下 30 %  按盡既行程就白費了, 我自己覺得對減速影響好大, 除非你隻手指自已識停響 70% 果度, 否則你由按盡到收油頭 30 % 實則無收到.

QuickR 及 Response modes 就可以令你 Hi Point 位置不變而縮短反應時間. 尤其係 QuickR, 除左可以獨立調較轉向及油門反應外, 重可以較快幾多 %, 由 0 - 120%, 每 10% 為一級. Response Mode ( 既乜乜 HRS 等 ) 就只係整体反應, 不可獨立調校. 兩樣加埋, 可以做出更細微既反應設定配合個別要求.

說明書上有圖表分別列出三個mode ( Normal, High, Advance ) 中 既 QuickR 反應差別, 表中 Y 軸為 QuickR 0 - 120%, X 為日文唔知代表乜 ( 正常應該係反應時間但 X 冇 mark 任何單位). 如果當真係時間單位的話睇三條 curve, Advance 較 0% QuickR 比 High 較 120% 重要快, 同樣 High 較 0% QuickR 比 Normal 較 120% 重要快.

如果有師兄試過就不如分享下, 照書睇加埋估估下, 就似係我講法.

[ 本帖最後由 GTRTam 於 2008-5-6 03:25 編輯 ]
henry888 發表於 2008-5-6 03:57:08 | 只看該作者
原帖由 GTRTam 於 2008-5-6 03:23 發表
我念係假設你手指按油門到盡時 100% 為極速, 較高 Hi Point  30 % 的話, 你按油門到 70% 就等如之前按盡, 相對你的手指由 0 - 100 距離縮短, 你會覺得加速快左, 有 D 似槓捍原理. 但你除下 30 %  按盡既行程就白費了 ...

Aurora 發表於 2008-5-6 13:32:23 | 只看該作者
Henry, nice to see you on the board, I had fun driving with you over the weekend.

I tend to agree with GTRTam on the quick response idea, that without changing the hipoint, the end result is reached in a faster manner.

I think to best describe this, we could try to understand this thru an example--after some of my preliminary track testing, I felt the 'quick-response vs no-quick-response' is like comparing a laser gun vs. a gun with bullet.  So when you pull a trigger, the laser gun will reach the target immediately, but the bullet gun may not reach the target so soon.

So in the EX1 UR, I feel that if one is using the quick response for throttle and is pulling the remote trigger to 40% throttle, then the car will feel like it is accelerating to the 40% throttle in a much faster manner (than without using the quick response for throttle).  


I guess the main question is whether this is a good thing for miniz racing or not.  Personally, I think it probably is more 'useful' in bigger scale, like 1/10, than miniz scale.  The reason is because the bigger scale car is heavier and probably will take more time to accelerate/turn than a miniz.  And by using the quick response, it probably will allow a 1/10 to turn and accelerate in a more desirable manner.

But coming back to miniz scale, since miniz is relatively fast in nature, adding the additional quick response to car may make it turn/accelerate too fast that a user may feel it is losing the subtle and fine performance.  What I often feel is like a really high quick response (like 120%) will make the car feel like it has a on/off switch or in black and white, but a driver may feel like it is missing the grey area.  

The simplest test is simply drive the miniz really fast down a long straight, and turn the steering-quick-response to 120%; the 120% QuickR will make the steering so hyper sensitive that it is really difficult(next to impossible) to make the car to create or follow a 'gradual' line of curve on this long straight.


It is different from a traditional throttle curve, since curve will mean some part of the acceleration/turning rate is faster and some part is slower; and a driver is trading off some part of the acceleration/turning rate on the curve to achieve a faster rate at a certain part of curve.  In QuickR, there is no tradeoff, and at every position of trigger/wheel, the end result is reached faster.

Just my 2 cents, and thanks for reading.

[ 本帖最後由 Aurora 於 2008-5-6 13:39 編輯 ]
仲哥仔 發表於 2008-5-6 19:39:00 | 只看該作者
henry888 發表於 2008-5-7 05:56:34 | 只看該作者
Thx aurora

應該係加大個linear slope咋掛?
加curve or減curve係令到個油門同實際加速個正比例改變丫嘛, 唔係咩???
Aurora 發表於 2008-5-7 11:54:32 | 只看該作者
原帖由 仲哥仔 於 2008-5-6 19:39 發表

亨利, 客氣客氣。

Hipoint 同 Quick Response 的確系兩樣嘢, 我諗應該玩緊 UR d師兄都唔會搞錯呱。

但講返 hipoint 及 curve, 我就同意亨利的講法, 其實這兩樣一樣系兩樣嘢: 一個系油門最高點, 一個系加速曲線, 它們僅有的關系是curve 會跟住 hipoint 走。

如果摩打極速要在 hipoint 150 先會出現, 咁姨媽姑姐都知道同樣支控拉1/3雞, 唔駛加throttle curve, hipoint 150 都會比 hipoint 100 快; 但它們的加速都是缐性的。 我諗有一點要切記系: 油門加速曲缐是一種取捨: 在一個預定的hipoint下, 用家可以選擇性地加快某段加速速度, 而同時也選擇放援了另一段的加速速度。

所以, 加大 "油門最高點" 不等於用家加了 "油門加速曲缐"(前後段加速速度取捨)。 如果唔系, 點解加 hipoint 的時侯, curve的數值無緊住加呢?

[ 本帖最後由 Aurora 於 2008-5-7 12:01 編輯 ]
klchan6 發表於 2008-5-7 17:33:57 | 只看該作者
so AD better or 2.4G better?
i think the cotrol will be 2.4G is better, but the power?
anyone can tell??
仲哥仔 發表於 2008-5-7 19:45:21 | 只看該作者
 樓主| GTRTam 發表於 2008-5-8 03:08:48 | 只看該作者
原帖由 klchan6 於 2008-5-7 17:33 發表
so AD better or 2.4G better?
i think the cotrol will be 2.4G is better, but the power?
anyone can tell??

When I was playing AWD in ADBand, there were still chances jamming. Now I only play MR02 with 2.4 Ghz, I haven't got any problem with both the Kyosho KT18 TX or my latest RF910SM 2.4Ghz module. However, I have heard one brother said he experienced one time losing signal ( feels like the car is turned off or battery loose ) of his new 2.4Ghz Mini-Z for very short time like 0.2 second while playing on track.
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