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樓主: tekin
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orion lipo 3800mah 30C

gtimax 發表於 2008-6-10 17:13:06 | 只看該作者
I suggest use a charger and balancer with data port, otherwise you never know the actual balance situation(voltage of each cell).......
 樓主| tekin 發表於 2008-6-10 19:32:11 | 只看該作者
yes, I use trakpower V-balancer and the price is $4xx.

 樓主| tekin 發表於 2008-6-10 19:34:58 | 只看該作者
I want to buy but no stock in KWS
do you know where to buy it?

原帖由 gtimax 於 2008-6-10 17:13 發表
I suggest use a charger and balancer with data port, otherwise you never know the actual balance situation(voltage of each cell).......
gtimax 發表於 2008-6-11 00:30:00 | 只看該作者
kws rc flight shop have stock!
charger 12xx balancer 30x
 樓主| tekin 發表於 2008-6-11 09:35:20 | 只看該作者
thanks for your information!
but I don't know how to connect to orion lipo??
原帖由 gtimax 於 2008-6-11 00:30 發表
kws rc flight shop have stock!
charger 12xx balancer 30x
倫ae86 發表於 2008-6-11 10:35:49 | 只看該作者
blee 發表於 2008-6-11 23:57:14 | 只看該作者
原帖由 倫ae86 於 2008-6-11 10:35 發表

Whether fast or not........ depends on the motor, not battery.
LeoChan 發表於 2008-6-12 01:40:58 | 只看該作者
原帖由 倫ae86 於 2008-6-11 10:35 發表

more punch !!
efour 發表於 2008-6-12 02:51:38 | 只看該作者
原帖由 blee 於 2008-6-11 23:57 發表

Whether fast or not........ depends on the motor, not battery.

Are u sure ???

Will u get the same laptime using a good / bad battery on a same motor ???

I think probably not.
blee 發表於 2008-6-12 08:47:41 | 只看該作者
原帖由 efour 於 2008-6-12 02:51 發表

Are u sure ???

Will u get the same laptime using a good / bad battery on a same motor ???

I think probably not.

Obviously your concept is not correct. The motor provides the kinetic motion and the battery provides the energy. Whether could run fast, just depends on the motor. Battery is an energy source, and it doesn't provide kinetic motion to the car. Straight forward, without a motor, the car could not run (but your concept meant the car could run with a battery even without motor). Actually, you only could say better battery provide better performance. Only motor is a key component and to determine how fast will the car would go (like 3.5 turns would be run faster than a 6.5 turns).
tomatob 發表於 2008-6-12 10:59:08 | 只看該作者
同一個摩打用唔同既電個加速同top speed 都有唔同wor,如果摩打唔夠energy 去推,都唔會快啦,就好似同一個v12 engine,用唔同既油都有唔同既表現一樣,所以係要兩樣都配合先得,唔係單係睇一方面
efour 發表於 2008-6-12 11:00:08 | 只看該作者
原帖由 blee 於 2008-6-12 08:47 發表

Obviously your concept is not correct. The motor provides the kinetic motion and the battery provides the energy. Whether could run fast, just depends on the motor. Battery is an energy source,  ...

That's why I'm saying are u sure running a bad battery on 3.5R having the same laptime running a good battery on the same 3.5R............. if u say yes, please think twice and throw away your expensive matched battery....

Just refer to your concept, fast or not depend on motor. Please don't kidding me......... if so, we all don't have to purchase the "sky" priced battery for just 0.9sec faster la........ just buy a 2.5R or 2.0R to win the world champ la................

In real life, I and my friends ( say 10 cars in total ) all using 3.5R. Our skills are quite close to others, most of us running same car, sharing same setting. The truth is better battery ran A LOT FASTER !!!

Just sharing my experience, not asking for argue.
blee 發表於 2008-6-12 11:22:01 | 只看該作者
The concept is very easy.

-- battery A could provide 30C discharge.
-- battery B could provide 20C discharge.
-- the maximum consumption of your motor is only 10C.
Then whatever battery A or B you use. Your motor still only need 10C discharge. I wonder using Battery A would faster than using Battery B. Obviously discharge rate would not affect the speed in this case.

Always remember motor is a loading and determine current rate. Battery is an energy source only.  

** For the second case: If your motor consumption is 30C, then you may need a 30C battery..... otherwise, the 20C battery will become very hot, even burn up.  

No evidence showed 30C could run faster than 20C..... and no eveidence show 30C battery would provide more punch. The punch effect doesn't based on the discharge rating but based on the battery nature (inside material). The discharge rate only tell you may use a faster motor and without generate too much heat and safe to use.
jeffkam23 發表於 2008-6-12 11:23:09 | 只看該作者
efour 發表於 2008-6-12 11:47:03 | 只看該作者
I'm not scientist, I'm not going to find the evidence, I just want to enjoy racing / playing, that's all.
I'm not talking C output rate ever since, did I ? I'm talking about the quality of battery.

We all also wish that a cheap cheap Lipo can have same performance to that Kokam had provide. But I believe, this will never happen.

By the way, the real life ( no science evidence, sorry ) An Orion 3600, 25C is much much much a lot faster than Orion 3200, 20C. This is track side experience.
 樓主| tekin 發表於 2008-6-12 12:21:25 | 只看該作者
如果所有嘢一樣(car, motor, speed control, tire, gear ratio....), 用 30c 無論o係爆同極速, 都一定好過25c. 但以同一質素和生產商才可作準.
efour 發表於 2008-6-12 12:33:04 | 只看該作者
原帖由 tekin 於 2008-6-12 12:21 發表
如果所有嘢一樣(car, motor, speed control, tire, gear ratio....), 用 30c 無論o係爆同極速, 都一定好過25c. 但以同一質素和生產商才可作準.

101 % agree
kitha 發表於 2008-6-13 13:07:38 | 只看該作者
馮馮ymc 聽你講你同d電池廠好friend
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