because the battery type is Li-Po & they're in series collection, a balancing charger mush be use!
For me, I used "I-max B5" for two years for charging my 2100 mah 11.1V Li-Po cells, each time adjust 2.2A when charging each pack!
so far so good!
當然 sure 啦!!!雖然我唔係住你果邊,但你有唔明都可以問吓我(tel:92189373),
heli shift to the left side is normal while hovering due to gyro effect of engine rotation direction. you could use y ...
"gyro effect" is a dynamic mechanical behaviour of a rotational object, counting the rotational direction, speed & external force direction you could calculate out the resultant force value & find out the force vector! if you've got interest, you could go through the book "Engineering Dynamic (second edition) by ROY R.CRAIG, Jr."