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Tamiya Levin

jpmontoya2 發表於 2006-5-10 00:46:12 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式


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I just take this home today....

The car did came with a Tamiya  ACTO Power Touring motor and the very unique Tamiya RECEIVER + ESC CRP unit...its almost brand new.....

The car came with a set of Civic rims i beleive..but then i change them to BBS since i dont have its original rims....

hope everyone enjoy vintage collection~
hkopium 發表於 2006-5-10 01:02:04 | 只看該作者
J 發表於 2006-5-10 01:26:22 | 只看該作者
今日先放上yahoo咁快搶左返屋企? 你開咩價買呀? 哈哈!!!
嘩... 你同我爭玩具 好采我已經有101... 重有原裝軨
karhey 發表於 2006-5-10 02:10:38 | 只看該作者
very nice toyota!
 樓主| jpmontoya2 發表於 2006-5-10 08:49:45 | 只看該作者
原帖由 J 於 2006-5-10 01:26 發表
今日先放上yahoo咁快搶左返屋企? 你開咩價買呀? 哈哈!!!
嘩... 你同我爭玩具 好采我已經有101... 重有原裝軨

Cant help it la..i dont have Levin ma..haahhaah...

BigCat 發表於 2006-5-10 18:58:55 | 只看該作者
minimini 發表於 2006-5-10 23:51:45 | 只看該作者
in yahoo jp or hk ??
J 發表於 2006-5-11 00:32:16 | 只看該作者
HK 呀, 你遲左啦 mini
 樓主| jpmontoya2 發表於 2006-5-11 00:33:04 | 只看該作者
Yes..Hk ah.......
minimini 發表於 2006-5-11 00:47:04 | 只看該作者
原帖由 J 於 2006-5-11 00:32 發表
HK 呀, 你遲左啦 mini

oh my god.....

although I don't know the end bid price......but it must be expensive ar.....

[ 本帖最後由 minimini 於 2006-5-11 00:49 編輯 ]
J 發表於 2006-5-11 01:46:44 | 只看該作者
我覺得幾合理啦, 仲要係即決價!
... 等我仲想問個賣家散買個麼打, 就比jpmontoya搞掂左.........
乜你無LEVIN 嗎 mini?
 樓主| jpmontoya2 發表於 2006-5-11 10:41:17 | 只看該作者
原帖由 minimini 於 2006-5-11 00:47 發表

oh my god.....

although I don't know the end bid price......but it must be expensive ar.....

price was $700..which i think reasonable given that it came with the ACTO TOuring motor along with the all in one CRP unit from tamiya...and a Tamiya Servo too~
 樓主| jpmontoya2 發表於 2006-5-11 10:41:57 | 只看該作者
原帖由 J 於 2006-5-11 01:46 發表
我覺得幾合理啦, 仲要係即決價!
... 等我仲想問個賣家散買個麼打, 就比jpmontoya搞掂左.........
乜你無LEVIN 嗎 mini?

You have one Levin already....so u should be GENEROUS to let other brother to have one too~~~
J 發表於 2006-5-11 10:52:14 | 只看該作者
oh i just wanted the motor ja....
Hmmm... the CPR unit was interesting too~
 樓主| jpmontoya2 發表於 2006-5-11 11:03:39 | 只看該作者
原帖由 J 於 2006-5-11 10:52 發表
oh i just wanted the motor ja....
Hmmm... the CPR unit was interesting too~

Yeah...i suppose it was sort of a FANCY item during the early 90s when it was an expensive option for TA01 and FF01..

so its memorable to keep!
minimini 發表於 2006-5-11 23:22:05 | 只看該作者
原帖由 J 於 2006-5-11 01:46 發表
我覺得幾合理啦, 仲要係即決價!
... 等我仲想問個賣家散買個麼打, 就比jpmontoya搞掂左.........
乜你無LEVIN 嗎 mini?

......I don't have the Levin ar.............I think $700 is a very good price wor........sure will buy it if I saw in the auction.......

[ 本帖最後由 minimini 於 2006-5-11 23:23 編輯 ]
J 發表於 2006-5-11 23:32:02 | 只看該作者
原帖由 minimini 於 2006-5-11 23:22 發表

......I don't have the Levin ar.............I think $700 is a very good price wor........sure will buy it if I saw in the auction.......

There is a spare NIB Levin bodyset sitting in my room now...kekeeeekee
minimini 發表於 2006-5-11 23:33:21 | 只看該作者
原帖由 J 於 2006-5-11 23:32 發表

There is a spare NIB Levin bodyset sitting in my room now...kekeeeekee

......really jealous ar.......
J 發表於 2006-5-11 23:47:17 | 只看該作者
原帖由 minimini 於 2006-5-11 23:33 發表

......really jealous ar.......

no need jealous la, you have so many other great stuffs, ja ja hand sin la
minimini 發表於 2006-5-11 23:51:35 | 只看該作者
原帖由 J 於 2006-5-11 23:47 發表

no need jealous la, you have so many other great stuffs, ja ja hand sin la

Hi J, do you have any other vintage cars apart from Tamiya ??
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