無錯, 問過下 D c 兄, 佢地都話要求唔駛咁高, 攪到好似仲誇過玩 10 仔咁, 又放電, 又 match 電, 又用幾多 a 去差, 嘥鬼氣, 差 3A 啫, 唔駛咁誇張, 分別又唔會太大, 用 GP 15 分鐘嗰部去差, 爆到 pk, 有 D 人話咁差 D 電會快 D 死, 唉......死咗咪買過囉, 都係講緊 $50 排
One advantage of using GP 1 hr version is every cell is individually charged. Because the charger comes with temperature sensor, no cell will be overcharged in theory, which is better protecting the cells than using very advanced charger to charge 4 cells in series, during which the cell which has the lowest internal resistance dies first as it is overcharged every time while the other 3 cells are still drawing energy, cheating the charger to go on charging. (see if you understand)
One advantage of using GP 1 hr version is every cell is individually charged. Because the charger comes with temperature sensor, n ...
billy86che 發表於 2009-7-30 11:02
I think it is about 0.8 A. If it really takes an hour to charge a 750 mah cell, the charging current is exactly 750mah. If it takes only 30 mins to finish charging a 750 mah cell, the charging current is 750 divided by 0.5 hr, which is 1.5 A. (The formular:The capacity of the cell to be divided by the time it takes to finish charging it.)