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樓主: xiang
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BY ENERGY Lipo - 4,200mah = 3,800mah BE WARNED!!!

Andrew168 發表於 2009-9-8 11:20:59 | 只看該作者
本帖最後由 Andrew168 於 2009-9-8 11:25 編輯
Hi All!

I just wanted to check if anyone else found that they were being cheated. And also to warn those considering buying them, so that they actually know what they are buying. Be warned... they  ...
xiang 發表於 2009-9-7 17:16

I had the same result b4 few months ago,
so i decided not buy BY ENERGY anymore
 樓主| xiang 發表於 2009-9-8 12:27:14 | 只看該作者
本帖最後由 xiang 於 2009-9-8 13:52 編輯

Spoke to Action Hobbies today.
They have kindly arranged for me to bring in the batteries and disassemble them in the store for further investigation. I believe 馮馮ymc will be there too. Will keep you all updated on the result.
ford 發表於 2009-9-8 15:13:33 | 只看該作者
本帖最後由 ford 於 2009-9-8 15:21 編輯

我早兩曰買咗兩排4200ma 35c
ford 發表於 2009-9-8 15:22:56 | 只看該作者
亞標 發表於 2009-9-8 15:45:45 | 只看該作者
本帖最後由 亞標 於 2009-9-8 16:28 編輯

以下內容係引用"馮馮ymc"(BY ENERGY 代理人)
[color=Red]BY ENERGY用嘅25C4200喺8042125,一般亦冇標示於電池上,

1, 圖中的電是8542125, 馮馮意思係指呢片電不是你們平時用的????


2, 如果係咁, 點解間工廠會話自己既產品係3800MAH 25C? 係佢報細數? 定係佢地既計算方式不同BY呢?


3, 唔會掛......咁易脫殼? 呢個似乎唔係合理解釋喎

顧客如有發現,BY ENERGY會免費更換全新35C4200MAH電池!!

4, 呢個值得一讚, 如假包換是香港購物中心的核心價值, 不如教教大家點分真假? 好似XX燕窩咁教你點知真假, D客就會覺得馮生你既野係堅, 生意一定上升! 例如用幾多A放到幾多V先算係標準?
swswsw 發表於 2009-9-8 17:56:56 | 只看該作者
enough for Consumer Council for action....
big-mosquito 發表於 2009-9-8 18:09:44 | 只看該作者
我早兩曰買咗兩排4200ma 35c
ford 發表於 2009-9-8 15:13

我就用緊,我會接受呢..... 鬼叫貪平比 se 400 20c平 40蚊 , ヌ比ip平 80蚊
師兄我見你相頭玩貨櫃 玩什麼 c 都沒所為 , 唔通落場劈
天娜 發表於 2009-9-8 18:29:12 | 只看該作者
本帖最後由 天娜 於 2009-9-8 18:31 編輯

24# ford

依款同上一代紫色我都有用開, 不過唔知點解用多幾次之後入面兩粒個平衡開始有問題, 我次次都有用balancer
 樓主| xiang 發表於 2009-9-8 22:11:52 | 只看該作者
本帖最後由 xiang 於 2009-9-8 22:15 編輯
bcgg 發表於 2009-9-8 09:21

bcgg - You need to check in between the 2 cells that are stuck together. It is printed on the inside not the outside. I have opened 3 batteries now  25C-4,200, 2 of them had 3,800 and the serial number as in the picture i posted. The other only had a serial no. which was  8042125.
 樓主| xiang 發表於 2009-9-8 22:14:44 | 只看該作者
本帖最後由 xiang 於 2009-9-8 22:16 編輯
24# ford

依款同上一代紫色我都有用開, 不過唔知點解用多幾次之後入面兩粒個平衡開始有問題, 我次次都有用balancer
天娜 發表於 2009-9-8 18:29

ford- If you are having problems balancing the cells, then you can call Action Hobbies, or the shop you bought it from and get them to contact 馮馮ymc. From my understanding in meeting with 馮馮ymc today. He will replace the battery for you. - Good Luck, let us know how you get on.
rcracing 發表於 2009-9-8 22:33:00 | 只看該作者
ford- If you are having problems balancing the cells, then you can call Action Hobbies, or the shop you bought it from and get them to contact 馮馮ymc. From my understanding in meeting with 馮馮ym ...
xiang 發表於 2009-9-8 22:14

so...what's your result???
 樓主| xiang 發表於 2009-9-8 23:04:49 | 只看該作者
So. Today i went to Action Hobbies with 4x BY Energy Batteries:
3x 25C-4,200
1x 35C-4,200
All 4 batteries were bought from Action Hobbies over a period of about 6 months, each time i buy 1 battery, so likely that the batteries were all from different batches produced from the factory.

At the shop i showed them the 1 battery i already opened. then i disassemble one of the 25C-4,200 batteries. To my surprise, this battery didnt contain any mah rating on the cells, just a serial no. 8042125, then i opened another 25C-4,200 battery and this one contain the identical 3,800 with serial no. I did not open the 35C-4,200 battery because, i found that this battery performed much better and was able to take in around 3,8xx mah on recharging.

When 馮馮ymc turned up - 1 hour later than the time i arranged to meet him at the shop, he was very nice and apologetic, explaining that it must have been an error at the factory, and then exchanged all 4 of my batteries for new BY Energy 35C-4,200. when looking at the case of my 35C-4,200 battery, 馮馮ymc said that it was a old batch and it was better to change it as well.

ford - your 35C-4,200 battery looks the same as the ones they replaced my batteries with.
from your picture, i can see that the case has little dimples in it. I presume that this is a marking showing it is the newer version/batch, as all of my old batteries did not have this.

The Result: All 4 batteries were exchanged for new BY Energy 35C-4,200.

The Conclusion: Are the new BY Energy 35C-4,200 batteries any good? will not know till i use them for a while. All i can say is, if you have a BY Energy 25C-4,200 battery, the chances are they are only 3,800mah. Action Hobbies does not sell the 25C version anymore. 馮馮ymc did mention that he would make a post on the forums. I can only hope that he will exchange all the 25C-4,200 batteries for 35C-4,200 without having to open them in the shop.

when i recharged my BY Energy 25C-4,200 at 1C(4.2A), i could only put in 3,400mah charge back into them (my lipo cut-off set to 3.4V). so if this is the same case for you. then call action hobbies and arrange an exchange.

Good Luck to all those with the 25C-4,200 batteries.
I will make a post in a few weeks to give me evaluation of the newer BY Energy 35C-4,200 batteries.

If you have any problems with your BY Energy battery, I advise you to take it back to the shop you bought it from. This includes balancing problems.
ford 發表於 2009-9-9 00:02:42 | 只看該作者
我其實是lipo新手,早幾天才在極速買了兩粒電和extreme x605义机.安全起建,
 樓主| xiang 發表於 2009-9-9 00:07:05 | 只看該作者
我早兩曰買咗兩排4200ma 35c

ford- can you let us know how much mah charge are put back into the battery when you recharge it?

Also, I think BY Energy already learnt their lesson about printing the mah capacity on their battery cell. As i believe the newer versions of their batteries no longer have the mah capacity printed on the cell, just a serial no. so now we will have to trust the mah rating on the box. The question is... can you trust the mah rating on the box!

I think the only way to do this is to run down the battery to 3.4V and recharge it at 1C and see how much mah you can put in. Would be interesting to see the results of other brands compared to BY Energy as well.
ford 發表於 2009-9-9 00:13:38 | 只看該作者
本帖最後由 ford 於 2009-9-9 00:19 編輯

33# xiang

ford 發表於 2009-9-9 00:29:41 | 只看該作者
我就用緊,我會接受呢..... 鬼叫貪平比 se 400 20c平 40蚊 , ヌ比ip平 80蚊
師兄我見你相頭玩貨櫃 玩什麼 c 都沒所為 , 唔通落場劈
big-mosquito 發表於 2009-9-8 18:09

師兄我有好多貨車,其它的也有二三十架.我祇喺驚容量不足over 义之下發生危險,(我還未識用部义机)
我老婆以後唔俾我玩 希望明白 ......早知買返nimh電啦.
Noir.KAZE 發表於 2009-9-9 00:33:04 | 只看該作者
師兄我有好多貨車,其它的也有二三十架.我祇喺驚容量不足over 义之下發生危險,(我還未識用部义机)
我老婆以後唔俾我玩 希望明白 ......早知買返nimh電啦.
ford 發表於 2009-9-9 00:29

ford 發表於 2009-9-9 00:35:54 | 只看該作者
ford- can you let us know how much mah charge are put back into the battery when you recharge it?

Also, I think BY Energy already learnt their lesson about printing the mah capacity on their ba ...
xiang 發表於 2009-9-9 00:07

 樓主| xiang 發表於 2009-9-9 00:39:44 | 只看該作者
本帖最後由 xiang 於 2009-9-9 12:59 編輯

BY ENERGY - How to identify
Old VS New

The Newer batches of BY ENERGY has 10 dots on the case, 5 on each side of the label as seen in the bottom battery, with black box. The old does not as seen in the top battery with white box
ford 發表於 2009-9-9 01:48:21 | 只看該作者
BY ENERGY - How to identify
Old VS New

The Newer batches of BY ENERGY has 10 dots on the case, 5 on each side of the label as seen in the top battery. The old does not as seen in the bottom batter ...
xiang 發表於 2009-9-9 00:39

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