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樓主: xiang
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BY ENERGY Lipo - 4,200mah = 3,800mah BE WARNED!!!

sunday 發表於 2009-9-9 23:43:14 | 只看該作者
i saw a lots of people having bad experience in shopping rc products ;
none like this mister spend such long article to "warn" others...

is that necessary ? or just plain goodwill ?

the lipo batt market is a hostile battlefield
AC 發表於 2009-9-9 23:49:23 | 只看該作者
50270898 發表於 2009-9-10 00:10:47 | 只看該作者

lrp 3t 用7.4v 可以去到86000rpm
5000mah 35c 最大電流應該有175A
AC 發表於 2009-9-10 00:26:19 | 只看該作者
64# 50270898


張圖是參加比賽前測試 motor and battery, 最後結果motor over heat, 只好用4.5T 比賽...
 樓主| xiang 發表於 2009-9-10 09:07:23 | 只看該作者
In my opinion: 'BY' lipo is ok if you intend to run stock motors on 1/10 scale.  If your system requires large discharge rate (ie 1/8 scale or 1/10 5.5R motors etc) its better & safer to invest into b ...
hardmankam 發表於 2009-9-9 19:26

Over the past 6 months using my 4 BY Energy lipo batteries, I have to say that I have been happy with the product. (that is why i ended up with 4 of them)
I've been using them in 2 setups for 1/10th touring, Hobbywing 60A 9t and LRP TC sphere comp with speedpassion 6.5, and did not have any problems at all with them till last week, when 1 cell died on me, hence the disassembly of the battery and seeing 3,800 cells on a 4,200 battery. None of the batteries ballooned or showed any signs of lack of performance from when i first bought them. The old  BY Energy 35C battery i had, definitely showed better performance...more power than the 25C batteries as well as more capacity.

I only hope that when i test the new BY Energy 35C-4,200 batteries this Friday, I will be able to confirm that they have a improved capacity over the old 25C-4,200. Whatever the results, good or bad, i will post them. My fingers are crossed and hope I will have some good news about the newer 35C BY Energy batteries. As, so far I do think that this is a good product, provided the batteries have the right capacity.

I will also test out an A123 battery, I have only heard good things about it so far.
pplu 發表於 2009-9-10 10:46:20 | 只看該作者

pplu, if "It is none of business of using 4.2A to charge your 3800 mah cells."
then perhaps maybe you can explain to me why printed on the inside of the BY Energy Box it says,"Charge ra ...
xiang 發表於 2009-9-9 14:17

Most of the Lipo you can buy in the market have similar label advising user to use 1C to charge their batteries.  It's also the way we all along adopt to do with our Lipos. You said : "No Wonder my pack died, I've been charging them at 1C - 4.2A".  But I consider this may not the real reason to cause your Lipo's death as it is allowable to using a bit higher C value to charge Lipos. That's what I want to express.
一匹狼 發表於 2009-9-12 00:04:51 | 只看該作者
2粒4200 25C 1粒3200 25C

一粒4200 差得18XX
 樓主| xiang 發表於 2009-9-12 05:38:37 | 只看該作者
2粒4200 25C 1粒3200 25C

一粒4200 差得18XX
一匹狼 發表於 2009-9-12 00:04

sry to hear about your 4,200 battery only taking in 1,800. You must have noticed the performance difference before you tested it, surely. Are the lipo's you tested the BY Purple or BY Blue ones?
 樓主| xiang 發表於 2009-9-12 06:07:17 | 只看該作者
本帖最後由 xiang 於 2009-9-12 06:21 編輯

The results are in!

1) 35C-4,200 @ 6.4V = 500+mah connection break, followed by +-3,400  total:3,900+ ***
2) 35C-4,200 @ 6.0V = 4,059mah
3) 35C-4,200 @ 6.0V = 4,068mah
4) 35C-4,200 @ 6.0V = 4,100mah

*** note:  Not sure what the cause was of the connection break, I assume it was a fault with my charger.

The method:
1. Use battery in car till LVC at 3.2 per cell
2. Discharge battery using "x-charger b6" to 3.0V per cell at 1.0A
3. Balance charge using "x-charger b6" at 1C

Pretty happy with the results Give and take the tolerances of the charger used, I have to say that these batteries are definitely 4,200 capacity. When discharging using the charger from 6.4V to 6.0V, only 50+mah were discharged from the batteries, so i'm pretty confident that after using these batteries in a car and charging afterwards, i would get 4,000+-mah back into them. Definitely more than what i was getting with the 25C-4,200 batteries.

Well Done BY ENERGY!!! What a great result!

If anyone still has the 25C-4,200 (blue hardcase) batteries, would be great if you can replicate the test i did to see how they perform in comparison and post your results.

Note: I know this test isn't that scientific or precise, however, i think that it should give a reasonable result for the capacity of the battery using limited resources.
 樓主| xiang 發表於 2009-9-12 06:17:11 | 只看該作者
本帖最後由 xiang 於 2009-9-12 06:45 編輯
i saw a lots of people having bad experience in shopping rc products ;
none like this mister spend such long article to "warn" others...

is that necessary ? or just plain goodwill ?

the lipo ba ...
sunday 發表於 2009-9-9 23:43

My apologies if you feel that my "long" posts are unnecessary. I'm simply trying to explain clearly in detail, so as not to mislead. As to whether my posts are in goodwill, or i have a ulterior motive, that is up to you to decide.
big-mosquito 發表於 2009-9-12 23:10:29 | 只看該作者
一匹狼 發表於 2009-9-13 02:44:50 | 只看該作者
sry to hear about your 4,200 battery only taking in 1,800. You must have noticed the performance difference before you tested it, surely. Are the lipo's you tested the BY Purple or BY Blue ones?
xiang 發表於 2009-9-12 05:38

全部都係BY Purple...
差得1800個粒應該死左1 CELL...不過就算無死都應該差得3600

ford 發表於 2009-9-13 03:31:54 | 只看該作者
The results are in!

1) 35C-4,200 @ 6.4V = 500+mah connection break, followed by +-3,400  total:3,900+ ***
2) 35C-4,200 @ 6.0V = 4,059mah
3) 35C-4,200 @ 6.0V = 4,068mah
4) 35C-4,200 @ 6.0V = 4,10 ...
xiang 發表於 2009-9-12 06:07

THANKYOU XIANG,得出來的結果我覺得以中國製及價錢是合理的.
ford 發表於 2009-9-13 03:33:54 | 只看該作者
全部都係BY Purple...
差得1800個粒應該死左1 CELL...不過就算無死都應該差得3600

一匹狼 發表於 2009-9-13 02:44

C HING 你D電買(用)了幾耐?
sunday 發表於 2009-9-13 22:56:00 | 只看該作者
big-mosquito 發表於 2009-9-12 23:10

and mostly in this forum ;
you got vision.
50270898 發表於 2009-9-13 23:41:25 | 只看該作者
rcracing 發表於 2009-9-14 00:19:07 | 只看該作者
全部都係BY Purple...
差得1800個粒應該死左1 CELL...不過就算無死都應該差得3600

一匹狼 發表於 2009-9-13 02:44

yes!!!use IP is better!!!
pay more happy more!!!
sunday 發表於 2009-9-14 10:23:45 | 只看該作者
My apologies if you feel that my "long" posts are unnecessary. I'm simply trying to explain clearly in detail, so as not to mislead. As to whether my posts are in goodwill, or i have a ul ...
xiang 發表於 2009-9-12 06:17

is the title "BE WARNED!!!" make me think
psuser 發表於 2009-11-5 18:16:53 | 只看該作者
本帖最後由 psuser 於 2009-11-5 18:37 編輯

乜講到 RC 既 LIPO 電好似噤危險噤既。。。好似用返 NiMH 個 D 電安全 D 窩
tamiyafan 發表於 2009-11-5 21:02:00 | 只看該作者
By Energy..................正一垃圾電, 我有5排 lipo 分別有 IP、SE、同By Energy 28C(最新買)........最快無電、最快淋、最快漲、最冇力就係佢, 所以千萬不要貪平買垃圾By Energy
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