本帖最後由 xiang 於 2009-9-12 06:21 編輯
The results are in!
1) 35C-4,200 @ 6.4V = 500+mah connection break, followed by +-3,400 total:3,900+ ***
2) 35C-4,200 @ 6.0V = 4,059mah
3) 35C-4,200 @ 6.0V = 4,068mah
4) 35C-4,200 @ 6.0V = 4,100mah
*** note: Not sure what the cause was of the connection break, I assume it was a fault with my charger.
The method:
1. Use battery in car till LVC at 3.2 per cell
2. Discharge battery using "x-charger b6" to 3.0V per cell at 1.0A
3. Balance charge using "x-charger b6" at 1C
Pretty happy with the results Give and take the tolerances of the charger used, I have to say that these batteries are definitely 4,200 capacity. When discharging using the charger from 6.4V to 6.0V, only 50+mah were discharged from the batteries, so i'm pretty confident that after using these batteries in a car and charging afterwards, i would get 4,000+-mah back into them. Definitely more than what i was getting with the 25C-4,200 batteries.
Well Done BY ENERGY!!! What a great result!
If anyone still has the 25C-4,200 (blue hardcase) batteries, would be great if you can replicate the test i did to see how they perform in comparison and post your results.
Note: I know this test isn't that scientific or precise, however, i think that it should give a reasonable result for the capacity of the battery using limited resources. |