本帖最後由 vending 於 2009-10-6 01:02 編輯
RTR迷你Step V Mono玻璃纖維船殼
(船名 - 水蜥蜴(Eft))白色船殼
RTR Mini Step Mono " EFT"
Length: 450mm
Width: 130mm
Height: 180mm
It includes the following:
3600kv Outrunner motor,
380 size fibreglass motor plate,
Mini servo,
Servo mount,
Stand-off rudder,
Rudder linkage,
2mm wire drive carbon fiber system,
3.17/2mm coupler,
31mm plastic prop,
Turn fin holder,
Turn fin and
4mm gold plus with Emergency stop.
Only need to add Battery Pack,
Transmitter and receiver, it goes!
只需用2200MAH 7.4V 25C 鋰電便有短片中的速度,而且有防翻 |