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speedstar 發表於 2006-7-5 23:22:52 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式


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(京商 搖控摩托車 / Kyosho RC bike / motorcycle)

京商市販EP電單車最早可能係1976年出品, 到今年剛好30年啦.

第一部應係 Eleck Rider, 1976左右, 果陣11,000Yen, 現行版Dee賣9,800Yen, 即係平過30年前!
色布公仔, 可內藏接收機.
全車金屬造所以車身頗重, 380打行鍊, 膠齒減速, 其實概念同現行版差不多.
印象中操控麻麻, 好易跌車. 呢部車有個小車架, 不過係扶唔住架車既! 可能係咁, 下一部(刃)己經冇左.

呢部雖然已經30年, yahoo japan auction (日雅拍賣)上不時出現, NIB都係約15000Yen.
不過部車唔係合金做, 只係鐵加黑色保護漆, 好多放左幾拾年會生銹.

呢部車都有option kit 架, 一套包大電池架, 輕飛輪及車呔.  幾年前係恆年行見過! 可惜當年我未購此車, 冇買. 恆年行03年又....唉

[ 本帖最後由 speedstar 於 2007-7-22 14:50 編輯 ]
 樓主| speedstar 發表於 2006-7-5 23:29:46 | 只看該作者
第2部應該係用Eleck Rider同一車架既 哈利電單車, 唔好睇少呢個車架, 之後citi rider 用佢外, 甚至09GP版都係用佢.

[ 本帖最後由 speedstar 於 2006-7-6 07:42 編輯 ]
 樓主| speedstar 發表於 2006-7-5 23:38:57 | 只看該作者
第三部應該係 1:4.5 Yamaya YZ250. 車型十分大及重料, 搖籃式鐵車架, 鋼線呤, 但係個人(另外買)係全發泡膠做, 分開六碌, 我諗一跌就爛, 奇怪的設計, 跟一套菠籮呔紋膠帶, 供貼上車呔用. 仍然結構簡單, i.e.行鍊膠齒減速.  另外有GP版.

[ 本帖最後由 speedstar 於 2006-7-6 23:27 編輯 ]
 樓主| speedstar 發表於 2006-7-5 23:43:09 | 只看該作者
第4部係呢部citi rider, 82年左右產品
外型仿似Suzuki 既 katana (刃).
用eleck rider 同一車架.

[ 本帖最後由 speedstar 於 2006-7-6 23:59 編輯 ]
 樓主| speedstar 發表於 2006-7-5 23:46:54 | 只看該作者
其間又有呢部3輪Honda ATC250 電單車出產, 首用膠公仔, 仍然用鐵車架, 條呔要打氣架, 所以附小氣泵.
電池係5N1200(5 Sub C)
呢部2手市場比較少見, 亦係kyosho唯一可以wheelie(起頭)既搖控電單車.

[ 本帖最後由 speedstar 於 2006-7-6 07:22 編輯 ]
 樓主| speedstar 發表於 2006-7-6 00:03:09 | 只看該作者
跟住87年左右推出 華Dee Mk1, 既現行版之前人仔唔識郁果款, 塑膠為主, 價錢平左, 賣7,800Yen. 但開始識搵錢之道=>出option parts.
計有LeMans DMC20BB motor (1500Yen), 頭尾避震, 輕飛輪, 銅牙 等.
電池係用7.2V-270mAh, 比現行版(600mAh以上)窄好多, 如果用新款電就要鋸膠架!

首先推出既係Rothmans Honda NSR (86'), 果時仲可用煙仔花. 唔同依家用Racing字樣.
其後一兩年續推出Yamaha Marlboro YZR 同 Suzuki Pepsi 百事花, YZR另外有一款冇Marlboro logo, 或者叫廠花版本(呢盒應係俾出口到玩具禁煙國家, 我所以冇入啦).
車殼雖然只有3款, 但另有貼紙出俾NSR: 合味道杯麵同厰花(?), 我就冇勒!

當時每盒都有真車poster一張及catalogue 附送.

呢D車唔值價, 係Yahoo Japan好多時會原價左右賣出, 不過近一年有上升, 有時去到約10,000Yen (NIB).

92' 推出 Mk2, 即現行版. 車殼有2款, 大家都好熟我呢度唔講咁多勒
Mk2係正folk, Mk1倒folk. Mk1&2睇落基本結構差不多, 只係Mk2個人仔會郁.

數一數已經14年冇轉款, 可能係京商最長命產品.

[ 本帖最後由 speedstar 於 2006-7-6 23:44 編輯 ]
bighead 發表於 2006-7-6 01:40:49 | 只看該作者
原帖由 speedstar 於 2006-7-5 23:22 發表
版主: 如果貼係懷舊區較為適合, 請幫忙轉貼! THX

京商市販EP電單車最早可能係1976年出品, 到今年剛好30年啦.

第一部應係 Eleck Rider, 1976左右, 果陣11,000Yen, 現行版Dee賣9,800Yen, 即 ...

勁呀! speedstar 兄有咁多珍藏! 我第一架遙控車就係恆年行買...廿幾年前.haha..時光飛逝....乜佢03年先執? 我以為已經執咗好耐.....
beebee 發表於 2006-7-6 18:00:35 | 只看該作者
loong 發表於 2006-7-6 23:10:47 | 只看該作者
Thank you for sharing!
 樓主| speedstar 發表於 2006-7-12 22:54:25 | 只看該作者
原帖由 bighead 於 2006-7-6 01:40 發表

勁呀! speedstar 兄有咁多珍藏! 我第一架遙控車就係恆年行買...廿幾年前.haha..時光飛逝....乜佢03年先執? 我以為已經執咗好耐.....

02' 北角村拆後, 恆年行搬左去北角錦屏街, 但據聞老板03'急病辭世後就冇做啦, 少了一間由模型(船)愛好者經營之模型店, 可惜!
beebee 發表於 2006-7-12 23:22:50 | 只看該作者
tomy 發表於 2006-7-16 20:48:39 | 只看該作者
THX 師父
007 發表於 2007-6-7 10:35:41 | 只看該作者
恆年行 was at the opposite of North Point Pier. I went there when I was young to do window shopping. As a student, I had no money to buy RC at thhat time. I bought some boat stuff at 北角錦屏街 few years ago. Too bad the shop has closed.
chingwingtat 發表於 2007-6-7 19:36:18 | 只看該作者
ignorant 發表於 2007-6-8 00:19:21 | 只看該作者
我記得好耐以前都去過"恆年"到買油車d 野,但之後北角村拆左之後,我就冇去過啦,原來已經係2002年既事啦
minimini 發表於 2007-6-8 00:48:07 | 只看該作者
007 發表於 2007-6-8 14:58:18 | 只看該作者
I bought my first ever RC at 忠記. It was a Honet which costed around $230. Obs, it should be my father who bought me the car.
gibson 發表於 2007-6-13 03:01:58 | 只看該作者
Elect rider was my first RC.......  I had owned almost all kinds of bikes that had mentioned!!  I still remember every Saturday or Sunday played in Victoria Park!!  Rent a car battery around HKD15 from Tin Hau.. using the cheapest method:  associated charge cord and count for 15mins.  Why I did not play touring, due to at that time, we used a 1200mA battery only can run four to five mins!!!  
Also elect bike give you more satisfaction... due to it really runs in two wheels.....  and a pack of battery can run over 10mins, due to it runs with a 380 motor.....  
the yamaha also a legend from kyosho.... only the front part is very weak, very easy to break....run with a 540 motor,  the wheels are made with wires, extremely classic!!!!  Nowadays, could not find those kind of products..........  Kyosho really made this yamaha as well as the whole elect bike series with heart!!
 樓主| speedstar 發表於 2007-6-13 18:03:04 | 只看該作者
原帖由 gibson 於 2007-6-13 03:01 發表
Elect rider was my first RC.......  I had owned almost all kinds of bikes that had mentioned!!  I still remember every Saturday or Sunday played in Victoria Park!!  Rent a car battery around HKD1 ...

Thanks for the sharing.

Actually I have 2 Yamaha. One of them has the fuel tank wrongly cut by the previous owner.  I am planning to finish and run this bike (say in TKO) but would like to know whether it is easy to control or not.  Also whether it is possible to install a kind of side bars to minimize damage when dropped!
gibson 發表於 2007-6-13 19:16:42 | 只看該作者
原帖由 speedstar 於 2007-6-13 18:03 發表

Thanks for the sharing.

Actually I have 2 Yamaha. One of them has the fuel tank wrongly cut by the previous owner.  I am planning to finish and run this bike (say in TKO) but would like to ...

For the Yamaha, it is very easy to handle, need a high torque steering servo, due to the long push rod!!  Also you need to run it in a wild open field!!  TKO is perfect!!   I don't think you need to install the side rack, even the bike does not has....    !!!     If everything already, this bike is quite easy to control!!
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