反車時回正用。希望能有新的遙控車熱潮。作者: jypepe 時間: 2010-7-20 16:51
恐怕係買番黎玩兩日即拆即改作者: ivanlee102324 時間: 2010-7-20 16:59
不過叉20分鐘玩10分鐘作者: ivanlee102324 時間: 2010-7-20 17:01
用海綿(太)wo!?作者: jf813 時間: 2010-7-20 17:20
yes, super fun item. must buy. ;)作者: 光丑猶仗凡 時間: 2010-7-20 17:29
where is the front shock??作者: ivanlee102324 時間: 2010-7-20 17:37
可能冇避震le作者: jf813 時間: 2010-7-20 17:52
the suspension use a thin "plastic" piece to support the wheels, so it will flex and give the car suspension travel. ;)作者: natnatbobo 時間: 2010-7-20 18:55
好似 ok 過隱喎...作者: LokSpec 時間: 2010-7-20 21:25
作者: paulaner 時間: 2010-11-28 18:31
Gibson, long time no see, how much your little buggy? where you buy?作者: gibson 時間: 2010-11-29 02:15 回復 41#paulaner
Yes, I bought from KWS "Extremely Fast" at HKD380!! Big fun with this little buggy running at home!!作者: fuckedfung 時間: 2010-11-29 13:01
How long does the battary stand for?作者: gibson 時間: 2010-11-29 13:50 回復 43#{banned}edfung
Over 6mins.
due to its very fast, problems in the gear box. I may need to find the gears. 作者: gibson 時間: 2010-11-29 20:24 本帖最後由 gibson 於 2010-11-29 20:25 編輯
今日廣華街$298全部色都齊呀。作者: calvinbibi2000 時間: 2010-12-4 01:01
我想問呢-.-你地有無人用mini-z mon組對lee部車呀=.=
我對唔到.....定一話要用其他mon組=.=作者: dickyxx 時間: 2010-12-4 10:13
一定唔得,如果你用dnano 的板改落去就得,但不化算呀!作者: calvinbibi2000 時間: 2010-12-4 13:51
我有兩部-.-不過原來要改板先得=.=作者: mlee 時間: 2010-12-5 21:29
I got from Yuen Long, HKD $269 each all color available.作者: kockok 時間: 2010-12-27 17:30
I wonder if Gruop buy is possible