Got an used T2 008. The seller gave me tons of parts (two big cases). Many new sets of diff balls and plates, a lot of bearings, belts, arms, arm locks, spools, spur gears......etc.
I am happy with that, but I would like to know if T2 008 considered as a high maintenance car (need to fix all the time even with no crash)? Do I have to use the thin spur gears?
Xray uses very high quality material to make their 008 parts (even better than 009 or T3). In my 2 years owning this cars, I only need to change the steering blocks and the rear hubs (in crashes).
If you run NiMh, then use thin spur gear. If Lipo, then does not matter.
Here are SOME of the parts included. There are more in another box. If as C Hing mentioned, T2 008 doesn't need much maintenance, then I think this American was really serious into racing.
wow, you can probably built another car from those 'spare' parts!
anyway, the NiMh battery is very close to the spur (sometimes hitting it) so that's why they introduce the thin spur to get more spacing on the battery side.
For Lipo, you will not have that problem, since it will not fit under the top deck, thus, you will need to use a lipo tray (as seen in your photo).
Actually, that guy is getting out of the hobby. The deal came with a 07, a 08, parts, and many sets of tires. Will take me a while to figure out 07 and 08 parts. Will sell the 07, and keep the 08.