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呀杜 發表於 2010-9-23 15:46:55 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式


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bravohk 發表於 2010-9-24 19:03:52 | 只看該作者
小弟都曾經想問這個題, 但想到本地論壇的氣氛和網民裝備後還是放棄:
1.本地論壇什少提及物理參數,包括扭力,轉速,推重比,只有由商品附帶的"理論"研習出來 只 有幾何 但 沒有數學基礎的所謂"SETTING"
2.找舊貼你會得知類似的問題總會得到 貴=所有參數都高 的結論
kiev 發表於 2010-9-24 22:02:00 | 只看該作者
50270898 發表於 2010-9-24 22:36:38 | 只看該作者
Power = Voltage * Current
電池電壓假設不變, 能處理更大電流就可以處理更大功率摩打
摩打係恆功率, 高轉速時低扭矩, 低轉速時高扭矩
Tamiya 23T stock spec個盒背面有條轉速與扭矩嘅curve
A300 發表於 2010-9-24 22:45:31 | 只看該作者
ryancmlam 發表於 2010-9-24 23:03:12 | 只看該作者
小弟都曾經想問這個題, 但想到本地論壇的氣氛和網民裝備後還是放棄:
1.本地論壇什少提及物理參數,包括扭力 ...
bravohk 發表於 2010-9-24 19:03

Agree with you observation, and because of your post, I will try to apply my limited mechanical engineering knowledge to share my views.

In general, yes. A higher current rating means the ESC can withstand higher current without suffering from overheat. The amount of heat dissipation is a function of current and internal resistance of the FET, and usually, a FET with higher rating would have a lower internal resistance. As such, a higher rating ESC will usually let the user feel it have more "punch"

T means the no. of turns of the stator coil. The lower the T, the lower the back emf and hence the rotor needs to rotate faster to get its back emf close to the supply emf. Torque is proportional to the current, normally a high speed motor will have less max. torque than a low speed one. 3.5T有否足夠扭力 is depend not only on the motor but also the overall gear ratio of the transmission. You can get a high torque at wheel shaft with a very high speed motor at a extreme high gear ratio.
If you make reference to the hobbywing esc menu, you will know the power of a 3.5T brushless motor is 600W and 17.5T is 150W .

Do you know the power of a 12級 engine ? as far as I know, the power of a .21 engine (3.5cc) is around 3 h.p = 3 * 746 ~ 2200W.

-較好: if you are looking for a "value for money" stuff, I would say Speed Passion.
ryancmlam 發表於 2010-9-24 23:05:58 | 只看該作者
Power = Voltage * Current
電池電壓假設不變, 能處理更大電流就可以處理更大功率摩打
摩打係恆功率, 高轉 ...
50270898 發表於 2010-9-24 22:36

恆功率 = constant power.
As far as I know, electric motor is not a constant power device.
kiev 發表於 2010-9-24 23:27:09 | 只看該作者
1 ps 大約係 735W 大約係激既 4.5t  又或者係 5mm shaft 果種 3650 摩打

1.6ps 差唔多係玩 1/8 4s 摩打

不過從油初轉玩電 5.5t ~ 8.5t 較合適~~~
50270898 發表於 2010-9-25 00:22:13 | 只看該作者
恆功率 = constant power.
As far as I know, electric motor is not a constant power device.
ryancmlam 發表於 2010-9-24 23:05

power = torque * angular speed
恆功率指torque與angular speed的關係

ryancmlam 發表於 2010-9-25 02:00:09 | 只看該作者
power = torque * angular speed
恆功率指torque與angular speed的關係

輸出功 ...
50270898 發表於 2010-9-25 00:22

50270898 hing,
if you would like to explain 高轉速時低扭矩, 低轉速時高扭矩. it  could be simply explained by using the typical torque speed characteristic curve of a dc motor. The  torque is inversely proportioal to the speed of rotor. 功率 is a product of speed and torque, it is not a constant, i,e, not 恆功率
ryancmlam 發表於 2010-9-25 02:09:32 | 只看該作者
本帖最後由 ryancmlam 於 2010-9-25 02:12 編輯

Just got a graph from internet to explain the relationships amongst Torque, Speed and Power of a dc shunt motor.

You can observe
1. High speed, low torque, => low power
2. Low speed, high torque => low power
3. medium speed, medium torque => high power
i.e. the power is not constant
bravohk 發表於 2010-9-25 12:24:20 | 只看該作者
理論上大齒比配少T摩打 和 小齒比配多T摩打, 何者power lost較大?
ryancmlam 發表於 2010-9-25 19:54:12 | 只看該作者
I guess the power lost should be indepedent of 大齒比配少T摩打 和 小齒比配多T摩打. It depends on the efficiency of the transmission.

Would any mechnical engineer pls advise
pskyng 發表於 2010-9-25 20:53:56 | 只看該作者
若我用過高KV motor 於一個A數不足以support 的電變上. e.g 我用 60A 電變配落 4.5R motor..
1.燒電變. (請問原因?)
2.不會燒任何野. 是否只是那motor 因為電變供電不足去不到4.5r 應有的速度?. (請問原因?)
ryancmlam 發表於 2010-9-25 21:17:47 | 只看該作者
The motor will 去到4.5r 應有的速度 but the ESC will stop function soon because of overheat.
Normally, the overheat protection circuit will stop the ESC before 燒電變 . 燒電變 is a general term as a result of motor demanding a high current that the ESC is unable to affort. The current carrying by each FET is higher then their rated value and cause high temperature. If the overheat protection circuit doesn't work, the FET will burn out.
pskyng 發表於 2010-9-25 21:23:59 | 只看該作者
The motor will 去到4.5r 應有的速度 but the ESC will stop function soon because of overheat.
Normall ...
ryancmlam 發表於 2010-9-25 21:17

oh , thanks a lot ryancmlam hing.
 樓主| 呀杜 發表於 2010-9-26 00:39:33 | 只看該作者
thanks  ryancmlam
希望得閒可敎多D RC知識給我們,謝謝
gavl 發表於 2010-9-26 00:49:35 | 只看該作者
本帖最後由 gavl 於 2010-9-26 01:08 編輯

想請教如果 e.g. LRP 網業上有motor 資料 power consumption 的話,咁可唔可以知道究竟需要幾多A先足夠推動?

難得有師兄出手教路, 多謝嗮!
bravohk 發表於 2010-9-26 00:50:26 | 只看該作者
本帖最後由 bravohk 於 2010-9-26 00:51 編輯

小弟想透過測試車速以配搭出最接近 摩打最高理論轉速的齒比
設小弟有大,小pully(前後一樣),大齒,摩打齒的牙數和直徑 車輪直徑 ,及車速, 請教計算摩打angular speed的公式
ryancmlam 發表於 2010-9-26 10:23:22 | 只看該作者
想請教如果 e.g. LRP 網業上有motor 資料 power consumption 的話,咁可唔可以知道究竟需要幾多A先足夠推動 ...
gavl 發表於 2010-9-26 00:49

1. Would you pls share us the link of motor spec. ?
2.要幾多A先足夠推動 depends on the loading condition of your motor, high in a heavy car and low in light car.
3. In general, the power consumption quoted is value measured understand the certain condition, and usually an average value. The current required to power up the motor depends on the loading condition, i.e. the amound of output torque required. The current would instantaneously build up to a very high value, many times fo the average value. That's why you can see there are usually 2 values of current quoted in ESC, one is contineous value and the other is instantaneous value. The ESC is able to drive the motor at the begining but, depends on the loading condition of the motor, the protection circuit of the ESC will operation and cut the esc if the loading of the motor is higher than the esc can withstand.
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