唔會!佢好簡單的開始,但可以好pro,好靈敏!而且費用不多,由佢開始,再慢慢看,向1/12定1/10 pan car or 1/10 tour...車係有好好的幫助,因為玩dnano的ching,有好多都有玩大車,係玩咩大車的ching都有!玩咩控的ching都有!重有個個都好nice。作者: pakpakpakhk 時間: 2011-3-12 10:43
C hing, How much I need to start with?作者: hugohugo321 時間: 2011-3-12 21:04
請問可以係公園玩MA作者: hugohugo321 時間: 2011-3-12 21:07
C hing, How much I need to start with?
pakpakpakhk 發表於 2011-3-12 10:43
二千蚊已齊師兄你所須要o既野作者: kevt2005 時間: 2011-3-17 20:36
Just some ballpark figures.
The car (Chassis+body) may cost you $1K
Starter Kit (Transmitter KT-18+Charger+Battery) may cost you $700
For the exact cost, you should ask dNaNo HK directly (www.dnano.com.hk) as the Jap Yen rate is really high these days.
That's all you need to start up with.作者: hugohugo321 時間: 2011-3-17 21:54
唔該哂兩位師兄作者: photocatcher 時間: 2011-3-17 22:21
一開始係得的,再慢慢玩吓玩吓,所要再加碼也不是太多,如果本身有玩大車就重好,因為最貴係支控,但換pro控係好睇自己,有人鐘意用"ko pro" 有人鐘意用"三和"及其他band,有人鐘意用槍控又有人鐘意用棍槍,也有人用kt18都可以好勁手車,所以你話夠唔夠,在於開始來說,係ok,但就同gamakatsu 兄所講,慢慢改,唔好一次改完,因為可以從中發掘好多玩車的來趣,因為dnano就係以"細,簡,方便及像真"作出發,而結構好似pan car咁!作者: hugohugo321 時間: 2011-3-17 23:14
我未玩過搖控車丫作者: photocatcher 時間: 2011-3-18 00:25
咁會唔會想大車,例如1/10 1/12 .... 咁dnano係操車操手指的其中一個好方法,以前用miniz ,現在dnano更方便,如果唔係的話用來娛樂吓,係公司一班朋友玩吓都唔錯,不過就速度就快咗少少,同靈敏咗d,同miniz比係貴多少少,但以電子嘢來講,越micro/細微的電子科技,係越貴的,不過見意上個場感受吓,再想一想下一歩點走。搖控車係最好試過,見過才知及發覺好唔好,又唔係無得take2,試吓無事,最多愛上玩車仔,比女友/老婆罵兩三句。作者: hugohugo321 時間: 2011-3-18 01:23
大車冇打算住,貪dnano細細地又方便作者: kevt2005 時間: 2011-3-18 11:47
I used to play 1:10, 1:8 first and get smaller and smaller scale in time. Now I only play dNaNo and recently re-pick up Mini-Z. Problem with bigger scale cars is you spend most of the time fixing the car while for dNaNo you spend 90% of the time playing it as maintenance is easy and fast. What's best is parts are hard to break even you hit it hard.作者: hugohugo321 時間: 2011-3-18 18:18 回復 37#kevt2005