原帖由 有勇冇謀 於 2006-8-31 10:31 AM 發表
小弟買了一排三洋3600電池(唔係 match)一個月之內, 叉不足4次, 在最後一次叉電時,叉到3900 但排電非常之熱, 小弟不足為意, 到用排電時, 完全無電唔車, 原來舊電瓜 o左....why???? 點保養?? 可否提點下...
小弟用 ko叉機 3A叉
NiMH batteries almost have no "memory effect" (as NiCd does) and not necessary to discharge the remained power actually (after 玩完車)….. "玩完車放電保存" is the major reason while the battery died. Beside, 叉到3900 is another hurt. You have to cut off manually before 3750.
The best method is to discharge the remained power before you charge it up to play. If you expect will not use the NiMH battery for a long time, you have to fully charge the battery before put it into the box.
For long time not use, better do one cycle at least "discharge and charge" per month. Otherwise the inner battery fluid / material will be crystallized and reduce the capacity and turn to dead
Good luck. |