Good Charger. The USB cable is used to connect the PC and updated frameware. And the balancing board.... heared to use for some specific battery of Hyperion. I think just ignore it.
各位師兄有沒留意到, 這Dual changer 使用電壓比較闊?
Hyperion EOS 0720i SUPER DUO3 7S 16N CHARGER, 11-29v DC Input, with Integrated balancers,
THUNDER POWER TP820CD---input--10.5--28.0v DC ( 40 APMS MAX )
嚴格來說是兩部changer 裝在一起,用的watts 很大,
Hyperion EOS 0720i SUPER DUO3 7S 500wx2 supply 建意用1000w
THUNDER POWER TP820CD 400x2 Supply建意用800w
如有錯漏, 請分享各位高見!!!!!!
720i Duo can give 500W power/channel. But if you charge 2S LiPO with 2C maximum, then a 12V/20A SMPS is more than enough, this is also enough for 3S, 1-2C ga la. No need to waste $$ for a 1KVA gear ( very heavy !)