回復 lmy 的帖子
ALL Ching,
Actually, I have completed the settings and would like to share with you all or others new chings:
1. If using 4pk, go to menu, find DIAL feature, turn on DT3 to CH3
2. Set EPA - CH1 to 120 (Max) for both left and right side
3. CH3 remains 100 for both up and down
4. set Gyro R246 to Car
5. Place right direction (cable side face to rear of the car body)
6. Gyro cable, one to CH1 for steering, one (single white) to CH3
7. Switch on Car ESC
8. Press Gyro R246 set button (small white button at the centre of gyro) and then push the dial wheel to right side, some reaction will be shown, then left side, then release dial wheel and gyro set button.
9. change the setting of CH3 (from outside DT3 buttom) to -30 (negative 30 or 40...) up to your requirement. Because, I have not yet tested the result due to raining days, hope you all can share the good setting to us.
10 Completed.