原帖由 smallfaifai 於 2006-10-30 22:44 發表
咁有D人如我有現成TT01,有1/8殼,仲有現成TL01舊件,但唔想成架M03咁買,慳慳地過下mini cooper癮o者……
我唔覺得有問題喎!我係鍾意mini cooper呀!
sor 唔使咁 ,我都好鍾意mini cooper, i have one for GP 1 : 10 serpent710, another one for EP 1 : 10 M03,
I just want to say that Existing shell 1/8 - for 1 : 8 EP or GP or 1 : 10 GP????
1/8 - is real scale for mini cooper ???(先攪清楚個売嘅wheel base,樓主要知道) 樓主都唔清楚,係問題, 佢都無post photo 我地只知道[ 各位,小弟買左個 1:8 的 mini-copper 的車殼,想問問,我可以用咩的車架ar?? 但我想知道,咁TB01 係咪一定安得落ga?? 我怕我買左唔得ar~~ 謝謝~
謝謝你~] by 樓主 , 會唔會有所誤解呢??? 問一問個売咩brand買咗幾錢ar????
如果鍾意mini cooper 點解唔正正經經買tamiya 盒裝 mini cooper 売 just $14x only, M03 $5xx only or go to 宏記 buy a full set c/w control and blue color shell 都係$6xx, 唔使煩 對不對?? |