Day 發表於 2014-12-5 14:05 師兄: (3) 120A V2.1有新FIRMWARE UPG ...
kennyf1 發表於 2014-12-5 14:13 SOFTWARE UPGRADE左 V3.43 之後見到V3.0_131205STOCK
tsfai 發表於 2014-12-5 14:55 Thanks Kenny Hing. DO you know what is improved in this new FW V3.0_131205STOCK for V2.1?:loveline ...
kennyf1 發表於 2014-12-5 14:59 吾知道改左D咩
tsfai 發表於 2014-12-5 15:09 I tried to read the Car ESC FW history but cannot find this version. CAR_ESC_readme.txt
kennyf1 發表於 2014-12-5 14:19
golffer 發表於 2014-12-10 22:44 請問師兄 (1)XeRun V2.1 120A,那天在焊電容板上面紅色線時,焊槍不小心碰到黑色線端,出現了一個火花。當 ...
yatfan 發表於 2015-1-1 13:45 請問好盈3.1怎樣設定boost acc,找不到選項?
yatfan 發表於 2015-1-4 18:55 唔該師兄,問過了得知新firmware冇得set,如果要set唯有用舊firmware,我覺得有得set好啲 ...
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