suggest to put after run oil when you finish with the day! otherwise, you will need to replace at least 2 bearings.
actually, you don't need to buy after run oil. if you have engine lubricant or transmission fluid, they give the same protection. for the price you pay for the after run oil, you can use long long time with that bottle.
少少經驗,長期吾玩,放幾滴事後油,用撻箱轉幾秒,再放幾滴,然後用手轉飛輪來回十零轉,再將姐筒轉到壓縮頂位,收入火咀,回轉少少至姐筒封閉出氣位(批曲位)咁入面就吾會氧化。且啤零都有保護。我用此方法封存左副偈三年,最近再玩,先打開火咀,放幾滴燃油入副偈入面,浸一陣,再放D入Cab入面,用撻箱轉一陣(2~3秒),一撻即著,用rich d Run番一箱油,即可正常玩番。