THX!!! and you know inside the gear is 81 motor gear is 22, is XX :XX....THX!!!
Hi Bro,
The B4 gear box ratio is 2.63
and your drive spur ratio is 81/22 = 3.68
So the final gear ratio is 3.68 x 2.63 = 9.67
according the B4 motor chart you can use 13/14 turn motor.
But what motor turns you want you must test on truck to slect the right one.
Hi Bro,
The B4 gear box ratio is 2.63
and your drive spur ratio is 81/22 = 3.68
So the final gear ratio is 3.68 x 2.63 = 9.67
according the B4 motor chart you can use 13/14 turn motor.:victory ...
If I play in TRC.....use black pig OK ma....just for fun.....THX!!!
Hi Bro,
The B4 gear box ratio is 2.63
and your drive spur ratio is 81/22 = 3.68
So the final gear ratio is 3.68 x 2.63 = 9.67
according the B4 motor chart you can use 13/14 turn motor.:victory ...
And I don't know the gear is 48P or another....THX BRO. sorry my first time to play buggy
Hi Bro,
The original gear pitch is 48P and if you run at TRC with black pig, I think its not enogh
power to jump espically the " double jump platform " I used tamiya BZ 23T on my B2 & T3
Its very powerful and fun at TRC.
My friends & I will go to TRC on 23/9 Sunday. If you interest you can join us to play.
Hi Bro,
The original gear pitch is 48P and if you run at TRC with black pig, I think its not enogh
power to jump espically the " double jump platform " I used tamiya BZ 23T on my B2 & T3
Its very p ...
23/9 is OK....I day off....I have are ROOM in TRC....I will go on that day...pls. PM your tel. NO. to me, I will call back you OK...THX!!!