So this is what the hype was all about, there were rumors about a HaoBo truggy a few months ago.
The pictures to me aren't impressive at all. It appears to have a narrow and short chassis, which is not good for a truggy that wide. The reciever battery....what's up with that!! It's held on by zip-ties!!! And what was mentioned in above posts...the exhaust pipe sits not only outside of the body, it sits outside the Chassis too!!!!!
Having said all that, this is more of a fun bashing truggy then a race truggy.
原帖由 crunch 於 2006-4-5 15:48 發表
So this is what the hype was all about, there were rumors about a HaoBo truggy a few months ago.
The pictures to me aren't impressive at all. It appears to have a narrow and short chassis, whic ...
haha on a british forum that i also go to, the HoBao truggy had so much stick! no body liked it and it was an utter dissapiontment to everyone on the forum. One person (cleggimeister from truggyracers) even said
"are we sure that hot bodies or Hpi didn't release this just to improve their sales??"