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balancer & orion lipo 連接!

kawada 發表於 2008-3-13 10:15:48 | 只看該作者
原帖由 looseman 於 2008-3-13 09:47 發表

I'm using ICE charger with Equinox balancer
ICE output is 4.2v@1A, to balancer, I usually charge 3S 20c/25c at this setting, if I set 3x4.2v(12.6v) output which is overed V 3 times.
each cell ge ...

This is the upgrade version of ICE where the voltage indicator will automatically display whatever the source provided. Regarding to S & Cs. all you need is to tell the charger how many cells you are charging and button pushing on the balancer for auto detection; then everything is done by the charging combo.
 樓主| gtimax 發表於 2008-3-13 23:25:56 | 只看該作者
原帖由 gtimax 於 2008-3-12 23:17 發表
見圖blancer 插 用2CELL
紅接紅--電池(+), 黑接黑--電池(-), 中間的黑色接小小插


it is the point that I always worry about the combo set check point.
we will never know the working data about the balancer, how can I know it is work ok? how good is my lipo?
for latest fight charger and balancer , the data all can be read.
it is the reason that me and Penny choose Hyperion, it has a data port for balancer and read all time and it is reasonable price.
charger $3?? balancer $3?? it is A123 compatible!
penny..t.o.p. 發表於 2008-3-14 00:18:30 | 只看該作者
原帖由 gtimax 於 2008-3-13 23:25 發表

it is the point that I always worry about the combo set check point.
we will never know the working data about the balancer, how can I know it is work ok? how good is my lipo?
for latest fight c ...

Charger  $11XX  ar.............
mschumi 發表於 2008-3-16 18:49:08 | 只看該作者
原帖由 Chrispo 於 2008-3-13 08:19 發表
8.365v for 2 lipo cells, i.e. ~4.18V per lipo cell, still hasn't reached the upper limit yet and the charging current shown in the display is 0.51A which is pretty small. Please correct me if I'm wron ...

Hi Friend 請問如果 我 用 trakpower balancer,俄 我可否用 Checkpoint TC 1030  機 ?
ben3210 發表於 2008-3-16 23:27:26 | 只看該作者
師兄點解你唔選擇呢部呀EOS 0610i US$169.9 約HK$1300左右, 內置己有平衡器,1210i响香港可以買到KWS, 我心水係0610i NET但香港我暫時未見到如有請通知小弟
如再有錢0610i DUO仲正呀一次义得仲多

0610i NET 6S 10A 250W
0610i DUO 12S 10A 360W
penny..t.o.p. 發表於 2008-3-17 00:20:31 | 只看該作者
原帖由 ben3210 於 2008-3-16 23:27 發表
師兄點解你唔選擇呢部呀EOS 0610i US$169.9 約HK$1300左右, 內置己有平衡器,1210i响香港可以買到KWS, 我心水係0610i NET但香港我暫時未見到如有請通知小弟
如再有錢0610i DUO仲正呀一次义得仲多


因為我覺得如果壞咗.........都知道什麼壞 ....其實係我自己鐘意1210i......其實玩車自己鍾意用什麼就用什麼......這才會玩得開心......你話係唔係C兄
looseman 發表於 2008-3-17 06:46:12 | 只看該作者
原帖由 kawada 於 2008-3-13 10:15 發表

This is the upgrade version of ICE where the voltage indicator will automatically display whatever the source provided. Regarding to S & Cs. all you need is to tell the charger how many cells you ar ...

ICE or this TC, they might be from the same factory, but labeled in different brands' OEM with other setting on the same looking case, little more output and higher discharging rate that is improvements with much cheaper price that is great.
with ICE, It needs to set how many cell/max v & temp. cut off/A output. normally 11.1v 25C 3S 2500mah, 4.2v 2.5A, or 11.1v 3S 1100mah@ 4.2v/1A~1.1A, I love manual setup than any automatic which automatic makes me feel unsafe all the time. I tried on many different chargers in the automatic mode...they often overcharges or not always actual fully charged the battery, the battery is very hot when fully charged, I usually manual setup which is the batter way than use automatic. These batteries only got little warm after fully charged.  When you check the linear graph on the display during charging the battery, you will know what is actually going for the battery, and then you can modify to the right setting for each different types of battery. <-- this is for NiMh, for Lipo..they won't get warm or hot after fully charged with the right charge setting.

[ 本帖最後由 looseman 於 2008-3-17 07:12 編輯 ]
lichungkiu 發表於 2008-3-17 08:47:00 | 只看該作者
請問係咪普通叉nicd既叉機加左個lipo balancer 就可以叉lipo嫁啦??
loman 發表於 2008-3-17 09:58:00 | 只看該作者
原帖由 lichungkiu 於 2008-3-17 08:47 發表
請問係咪普通叉nicd既叉機加左個lipo balancer 就可以叉lipo嫁啦??

dont kidding la
penny..t.o.p. 發表於 2008-3-17 10:06:46 | 只看該作者
原帖由 lichungkiu 於 2008-3-17 08:47 發表
請問係咪普通叉nicd既叉機加左個lipo balancer 就可以叉lipo嫁啦??

SnackEater 發表於 2008-4-6 18:02:52 | 只看該作者
原帖由 penny..t.o.p. 於 2008-3-12 23:58 發表


注意其實你唔需要兩個balancer,一個balancer都可以充到6 cell,即係三排2 cell

 樓主| gtimax 發表於 2008-4-6 22:07:44 | 只看該作者
jim2005 發表於 2008-4-7 22:11:17 | 只看該作者
係香港边道買HYPERION 义機平呢? HYPERION 义机係味要自已買測温線架? 如要幾$ ?
HYPERION好定estation 好D 呢? thx

[ 本帖最後由 jim2005 於 2008-4-7 22:31 編輯 ]
SnackEater 發表於 2008-4-7 23:03:06 | 只看該作者
Hyperion 1210i,網上近排見有二手出售,八舊


我有Hyperion 1210i 同 e-STATION BC5,level唔同難以比較,我會揀Hyperion,再買我會考慮MegaPower 960SR
jim2005 發表於 2008-4-7 23:13:15 | 只看該作者
THX SnackEater
有Hyperion 1210i 同 e-STATION BC5 都仲想買MegaPower 960SR,
MegaPower 960SR 邊道做同有咩好呢?
我見KWS 飛機那間有MegaPower買, 但價$ 都唔比Hyperion 平
SnackEater 發表於 2008-4-7 23:30:50 | 只看該作者
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