原帖由 馮馮ymc 於 2009-2-6 22:59 發表
Assumption: 30C, 22C 係同廠電,用相同方法測出安全C數
35A 恆流放電 (即loading to both battery is the same), 如果電池內化學物質各方面的参數係一樣,voltage drop should be the same because of same chemical reaction. But in reality, due to manufacturing tolerance, there should be slight difference but more or less the same.
By the way, what cause the difference in C? Difference in manufacturing process, method, material?
Differences in the above would make the difference.
馮Sir,is your 22C battery gives smaller voltage drop than the 30C?
[ 本帖最後由 kcpowerrc 於 2009-2-6 23:41 編輯 ] |